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Draay (DayZ)

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Spawn, get killed by an admin, server message "killing freshspawns will get you a 24 hour ban'' pops up seconds later, I inquire said admin, response: ''does it look like I care'', great admins you got there :lol:

I'm pretty sure you have the wrong server here buddy, not only does that not sound like my admin team but we don't have a message anywhere near what you stated. If you believe you're right you can follow an admin report with an admin name and some details of when it happened and i will look into it, but i think you rather confused our server with another or you are lying. Either-way here are the server messages.

<list removed, too long>


So i contacted some of the members online at the time and it seems you misunderstood what was happening, it was not an admin killing players, the admin warned the member to stop killing players.

This is the private message i recieved from some members:

No a kill message came up saying someone had been killed by the person, about 20 minutes later a different player died also killed by the same person. (someone I had never heard of, we assumed he was new). Straight after this second kill an Admin message appeared on side chat stating that you have already been warned about killing fresh spawns or you will be banned. The guy responded with suprise in sidechat then ended it with a nice "do I look like I care".

Myself,russell and agimond were all online at the time.

I just assumed it was the 2 people in 30minute rule, but when I read that link thought I'd let you know.

Edited by Draay

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I'm pretty sure you have the wrong server here buddy, not only does that not sound like my admin team but we don't have a message anywhere near what you stated. If you believe you're right you can follow an admin report with an admin name and some details of when it happened and i will look into it, but i think you rather confused our server with another or you are lying. Either-way here are the server messages.

<list removed, too long>


So i contacted some of the members online at the time and it seems you misunderstood what was happening, it was not an admin killing players, the admin warned the member to stop killing players.

This is the private message i recieved from some members:

No a kill message came up saying someone had been killed by the person, about 20 minutes later a different player died also killed by the same person. (someone I had never heard of, we assumed he was new). Straight after this second kill an Admin message appeared on side chat stating that you have already been warned about killing fresh spawns or you will be banned. The guy responded with suprise in sidechat then ended it with a nice "do I look like I care".

Myself,russell and agimond were all online at the time.

I just assumed it was the 2 people in 30minute rule, but when I read that link thought I'd let you know.

I apologize, it does seem like I misunderstood. The warning message by the admin was formulated in such a way that it seemed as if the person that killed me was the admin that wrote the message, as in:

"Battleeye: "name of player'': killing freshspawns will get you a 24 hour ban''

Because of this I thought this ''player'' was the admin that wrote the message.

It didn't help his case that said player had about 5 people backing him up right after it happened.

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I apologize, it does seem like I misunderstood. The warning message by the admin was formulated in such a way that it seemed as if the person that killed me was the admin that wrote the message, as in:

"Battleeye: "name of player'': killing freshspawns will get you a 24 hour ban''

Because of this I thought this ''player'' was the admin that wrote the message.

It didn't help his case that said player had about 5 people backing him up right after it happened.

Don't worry buddy, mistakes happen :) Come play with us sometime.

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Due to recent Bliss/DayZ updates, there was an issue with tents, it's now been fixed by the host and yes the vehicles are appearing again. I've double checked the tents are not duping anymore, if you find any bugs, please report it ASAP on the forums.

We've also spiced up Kamenka, there is an apartment complex, general store and hospital you can loot. We're going to add a ton more mapping in the next few days, stay tuned and recruit!

Edited by Draay

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We are now looking for players that are 16+

We now have different daylight times. Check OP.

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From now until 23:59 GMT+0 on the 24th of February 2013, i will personally be giving custom gear to players that are NEW to the server and have just applied for whitelisting. Once you apply to be added to the whitelist you can contact myself and i will give you the gear below. We will also be giving large groups extras, check the image below:


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We've introduced the start loadout packs, you can find these on our website.

Go ahead a purchase a starter pack of your choice! :)

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Updated to latest patch fix. Still looking for more players :)

Will be willing to give a package for free to a random whitelist applicant.

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PVP weekend event will start in a couple of hours.

Wanting PVPers. Email me your GUID: [email protected]


Infact, the website is currently down, PM me the GUID here.

Edited by Draay

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20+ a couple of hours ago, random ingame missions were great too.

Edited by Draay

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New server IP:

Server updates:

  • Dogs added, commands available: Sit, Follow, Find animal.
  • Mapping all over chernarus.
  • Lighting at night time (brightness and chance of light changed), 35% chance to turn on, 65% chance of flickering off.
  • Full moons at night.
  • Helis (mi17 and huey) can now tow vehicles under them using a cord.
  • Debug Monitor.
  • Auto refuel script added, you need to be 10 meters from a petrol station and it refills slower.
  • Fixed 3 door bug.
  • You can now sit on the back of vehicles and on the front of others. Feel free to suggest some, Vehicles available:
  • "Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1","VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1","Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1","Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1","car_sedan","car_hatchback","Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1","Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1","Skoda","Lada1","Lada2","LadaLM","SkodaRed","SkodaGreen","SkodaBlue","datsun1_civil_3_open","datsun1_civil_1_open","hilux1_civil_1_open","hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1"
  • Start loot packages changed.
  • Server is now passworded instead of whitelisted, password thread can be accessed by forum members.
  • 2 more admins Agimond and CrossFire recruited for the DayZ server

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We've been a little busy with our wasteland server making sure it's running smoothly and fixing bugs.

The IP for the wasteland server is:

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