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DayZ Namalsk New Server- Active Admins - Extra Vehicles

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Hi Everyone.

Our community Anarchic-x, is pleased to present our new Namalsk server. The server is located in Dallas, and we're running the newest 0.72 version of Namalsk and too the newest version of DayZ. We're currently working on adding custom buildings and loot spawns like we had in our old server. We have several active admins, and we're more than willing to help out in anyway we can.

Our community Anarchic-x, also has a Teamspeak server, you and your group can use at your leisure. Or you can just hop on and play with us.

We too encourage PvP! We just finished an event where players get points for player kills, bandit kills, zombie kills, etc... over a matter of weeks. I'm sure we'll get another one going after the holidays. So if your looking to shoot it out, this is the place for you.

-Side Note- We'd also welcome and love to see some more groups to shoot ;p. We currently have a few different groups playing and killing, and of course if you're a lone wolf, you're welcome too!

Long story short, come check it out.

...or just search for "Anarchic" in DayZ commander or Six Launcher

Hope to see you soon



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