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Banana Bandit Boyz - Recruiting

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Hello! Are you tired of being killed, no one to back you up while you go loot. Well then a group is something just for you!

We are a bandit group that never kills freshspawns (unarmed players).

over the time, a few from the squad has become inactive or never heared of again.

We are hoping we can expand again, so we are looking for a few players.




Remember to check forums, if your accepted or not.

We wont give PM.

Dayz server:

[Anyone can join our server]


-Be a minium age of 15

-Have a working microphone

-Have Teamspeak!

-Have atleast some experience

-Have fun!

-Be mature




What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...


Why would you like to join:

Edited by Skyren
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Age: 19

Experience:few days

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper

Bio:Looking for a few friends to play with.

Why would you like to join: Need partners in the game so i can stop dying.

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Experience:5 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...:Assualt

Bio:I like trolling peopl and killing

Why would you like to join: Want some people to play with cuase im kinda board now

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Age: 20

Experience: Around 2 weeks. Been Playing almost non-stop.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: No preference, working on learning how to Pilot.

Bio: I enjoy helping my friends and raining death on my enemies.

Why would you like to join: I have been playing on a private server with relatively low population at night. I've collected quite a few rare guns, but it's really no fun without a group to partake in shenanigans with.

I have a mic of course, skype, TS, ventrilo...

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Age: 19, almost 20 in one month.

Experience: Played since Dayz First came out. Played other shhoters on competetive level.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...Anything really except pilot. I prefer to be trooper

Bio: Pro gamer

Why would you like to join: Because I want to play in group since playing in a group in Dayz raises your survival chance as well as makes the game 10 times more fun

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Age: 15

Experience: Been playing since it came out :P

What class do i play as: Assult/LMG

BIO: Being playing in this clan since it started so i thought i might troll you fredrik :D

why: because i am already playing

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Age: 16

Experience: 3 months i think.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... Sniper, Pilot, Spotter and Driver

Bio: Bored of running alone in the woods and like to grab up with some people and have some fun ;)

Why would you like to join: I'd like to join so i can have some fun with some new people ;)

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Are the listed are accepted join the teamspeak when you want:

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Experience: about a weeks worth but i know almost all there is to know

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... sniper but i love assaulting as well (sniper first though)

Bio: i started to play after i saw a guy play with a group that was assaulting the int'l airfield. he was counter sniping and it seemed much more realistic than battlefield that i decided to buy arma II and play Dayz

Why would you like to join: i want to be able to provide cover support and help people that are in a group.

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Experience: 5 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: sniper LMG

Bio: I started playing 5 months ago, really love the game, Bandit is <3

Why would you like to join:

want to be member of a bandit group to kill everybody and scare te hell out of them ;)

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Experience: 5 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: sniper LMG

Bio: I started playing 5 months ago, really love the game, Bandit is <3

Why would you like to join:

want to be member of a bandit group to kill everybody and scare te hell out of them ;)

You can join the Teamspeak

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Age: 16

Experience: 3 months i think.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... Sniper, Pilot, Spotter and Driver

Bio: Bored of running alone in the woods and like to grab up with some people and have some fun ;)

Why would you like to join: I'd like to join so i can have some fun with some new people ;)

You can join

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Edited by Skyren

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Experience: 5 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: sniper LMG

Bio: I started playing 5 months ago, really love the game, Bandit is <3

Why would you like to join:

want to be member of a bandit group to kill everybody and scare te hell out of them ;)


Experience: about a weeks worth but i know almost all there is to know

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... sniper but i love assaulting as well (sniper first though)

Bio: i started to play after i saw a guy play with a group that was assaulting the int'l airfield. he was counter sniping and it seemed much more realistic than battlefield that i decided to buy arma II and play Dayz

Why would you like to join: i want to be able to provide cover support and help people that are in a group.

Age: 16

Experience: 3 months i think.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... Sniper, Pilot, Spotter and Driver

Bio: Bored of running alone in the woods and like to grab up with some people and have some fun ;)

Why would you like to join: I'd like to join so i can have some fun with some new people ;)

Age: 19, almost 20 in one month.

Experience: Played since Dayz First came out. Played other shhoters on competetive level.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...Anything really except pilot. I prefer to be trooper

Bio: Pro gamer

Why would you like to join: Because I want to play in group since playing in a group in Dayz raises your survival chance as well as makes the game 10 times more fun

Age: 20

Experience: Around 2 weeks. Been Playing almost non-stop.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: No preference, working on learning how to Pilot.

Bio: I enjoy helping my friends and raining death on my enemies.

Why would you like to join: I have been playing on a private server with relatively low population at night. I've collected quite a few rare guns, but it's really no fun without a group to partake in shenanigans with.

I have a mic of course, skype, TS, ventrilo...


Experience:5 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...:Assualt

Bio:I like trolling peopl and killing

Why would you like to join: Want some people to play with cuase im kinda board now

All of you can join the Teamspeak

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Age: 17

Experience: About a week.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... Assault or pilot if need be :P

Bio: Been playing DayZ for a bit, know quite alot, tired of soloing getting wrecked. :P

Why would you like to join: The above reasons^ xD

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Age: 18

Experience: 4 months about 200 hours

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...: Mostly a "Rifleman" or "Medic".

Bio: I'm a mature player love PvP aspects, think running with a group sounds like tons of fun.

Why would you like to join: Honestly getting bored of traveling alone, usually don't die much (i'm not a Bambi), sooo yeah.

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Age: 15

Experience: been playing for a while now, not sure how long

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: i like using snipers

Bio: Been playing dayz pretty good shot and i can spot decently

Why would you like to join: Being solo is a pain the ass ( not a bambi)

Edited by liquid112

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Age: 19

Experience: 6 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: i like using medium to long range wepons like M14,DMR,M16A4 ACOG,M107,M4A1 CCO SD

Bio: i have been playing dayz since it pretty much came and for as long as i can remeber i have been a bandit. i am a very good shot i provide great cover and overwatch and i also just like the pure joy of killing other players

Why would you like to join: DayZ is alor more fun when playing with other people and i also want to meet with other bandits so we can cast havok on all servers

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Age: 16

Experience: I have been playing for a couple weeks, I know most of the basics and what to do.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... : I prefer to be sort of an Assault Rifle/Rifle person

Bio: I'm a mature player and just like to have fun on DayZ, as well as looking to kill some people

Why would you like to join: I am getting bored of playing solo and just want to be part of a group for once.

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Experience: Moderate - To high

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Assault/ Sniper

Bio: I have played in several guilds ranging from SWTOR to guild wars 2 and even to a few in Day Z. All the guilds I played in dayz were non bandit and were realistic military. The downside was that we never shot at anyone if they approached so someone could die as well as that there were always way too many people.

Why would you like to join: I want a small group of people who I could play with consistenly and just raid camps and generally having a good time.

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Age: 15

Experience: 10 Months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot: Whatever you need, I can make it happen.

Bio: Been in alot of clans, looking for something new, anyone who's not afraid to KOS.

Why would you like to join: I'm a Bandit, and pretty confident that I would be useful to your clan.

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Age:16, almost 17

Experience: I'm good at scavenging, finding lots of good guns and I've been playing since some of the early dayz patches

Class:sniper with an AR in my backpack for backup

Bio:I've played a lot of solo, hasn't really worked out in the long run, met up with a group of guys, played with them for a good bit, they started to play BO2 more when it came out. I just want to be a in a good dayz group so I have someone to play with.

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Age: 15

Experience: A lot been playing since forever ago

What "Class" do you play as: Assault mainly but I can also be a sniper if needed.

Bio: I love playing DayZ and especially killing other groups of players.

Why would you like to join: I want a good group of people I could play with and have fun while killing other players and raiding their camps.

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Age: 17

Experience:Plenty, been playing the game for many months now.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... I usually play as assault/Sniper

Bio: Experienced DayZ player, currently with a fair bit of gear on a public server, silenced wepons etc.

Why would you like to join: The game for me has started to become boring for me playing alone, had a team a long time ago that we played and it was the best time i've had on the game, im looking for that again

Also, i do meet all the requirements.

Edited by BlackwoodF

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Age: 17

Experience: About a week.

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... Assault or pilot if need be :P

Bio: Been playing DayZ for a bit, know quite alot, tired of soloing getting wrecked. :P

Why would you like to join: The above reasons^ xD

Age: 18

Experience: 4 months about 200 hours

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc...: Mostly a "Rifleman" or "Medic".

Bio: I'm a mature player love PvP aspects, think running with a group sounds like tons of fun.

Why would you like to join: Honestly getting bored of traveling alone, usually don't die much (i'm not a Bambi), sooo yeah.

Age: 15

Experience: been playing for a while now, not sure how long

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: i like using snipers

Bio: Been playing dayz pretty good shot and i can spot decently

Why would you like to join: Being solo is a pain the ass ( not a bambi)

Age: 19

Experience: 6 months

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: i like using medium to long range wepons like M14,DMR,M16A4 ACOG,M107,M4A1 CCO SD

Bio: i have been playing dayz since it pretty much came and for as long as i can remeber i have been a bandit. i am a very good shot i provide great cover and overwatch and i also just like the pure joy of killing other players

Why would you like to join: DayZ is alor more fun when playing with other people and i also want to meet with other bandits so we can cast havok on all servers


Experience: Moderate - To high

What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Assault/ Sniper

Bio: I have played in several guilds ranging from SWTOR to guild wars 2 and even to a few in Day Z. All the guilds I played in dayz were non bandit and were realistic military. The downside was that we never shot at anyone if they approached so someone could die as well as that there were always way too many people.

Why would you like to join: I want a small group of people who I could play with consistenly and just raid camps and generally having a good time.

All the listed can join the Teamspeak, everyone else that is not listed are not accepted, sorry.

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