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[iQon] Dutch clan reqruiting skillfull / experienced members

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Dear survivors.

Clan iQon is reqruiting members for its elite Dayz squad.

We are a small squad competing against mostly bigger squad.

What are we looking for?

-Experieced players.

-We prefer dutch players , English players are allowed to.

- adult players , No 12yo

Like i said before we are a small squad that works realy silent.

contact me on skype : Vincent.lodewyckx1

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I would like to join, im dutch but im not Experienced, im new to dayz 2 days to yea.. =\ and am 18 btw.

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I would like to join, im dutch but im not Experienced, im new to dayz 2 days to yea.. =\ and am 18 btw.

Add me on skype.

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Same story as D3nth3m3n, not really experienced have played duo/solo up to now and looking for a bigger group now. Im dutch and 22 :D.

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