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DayZ: Namalsk. Stories & Q's

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Just today I played namalsk, I scoped out a nearby army base that I saw from a hill. I saw a white offroad pickup truck, and made my way down. This was my first time playing namalsk, and I heard growling. I honestly thought nothing of it, but I never stopped looking over my shoulder, because when I moved my head to the side, the sound had changed directions. I thought it was just part of the new sound track, because I've been hearing different sounds. Near the truck was a barracks, I went inside the barracks to find a semi-auto shotgun. I whipped around because the growling was EXTREMELY loud now, to find a blood sucker at the door of the barracks. It dissapeared and appeared inside a barrack room next to me, and hit me three times before I was able to head shot him. More growling... I had no clue what these things were, or how to take them out. At this point I made out that the only way to detect them was by their growls, as they obviously teleport. I find this new blood sucker at the front part of the barracks, but almost two doors down. From there he charged me and I had to hit him 5 times in the torso for him to drop. I heard no other growls. I "searched" their body to find them to be called blood suckers. They had no "special" gear which really surprised me!!! They should defiantly drop something special! I then realized when pressing "i" that when I kill a blood sucker, it comes up as a survivor kill. Another thing I found out while driving around and looting things, was that these creatures only spawn at high value targets, such as barracks, crashed choppers, or even deer stands. They are a great aspect of the game!

I had another experience about three hours later. I was driving to a new destination when my screen got really blurry, I sped up my truck thinking a blood sucker was doing some special power on me, and was chasing me. My screen started to get extremely blurry and unreadable. It started to flash, and a lightning effect with sounds of thunder started to take place. This couldn't be a lightning storm, I thought. My screen went orange, at this point I was freaking out. I was inside my car, engine turned off, and at a complete stop when my screen went back. 20 seconds later it came back, still having no control over my character for around 15 seconds. I then realized that this took away a lot of my blood. My screen was blurry so I was relying on the white dots on the side of my screen to find a pig, or cow. Upon getting out of my car to investigate a dot I had found, I thought I saw a blur beside a tree, and I thought I was just seeing things because at this point my blood was so low it was blurry. It then raced towards me looking like a black phantom and one hit me. I later found my body to be, ripped up, as you could say, but still lootable where the head laid, and I got my truck back, parked it at my makeshift base, and raced to the forums to see what this was. I know now what blood suckers are, I did play the whole S.T.A.L.K.E.R series as well, and these creatures did look like the blood suckers in that game, very tentacle like at the face, and tall with bursting muscles. But what was the thing when my character passed out? or the black phantom like thing?

Thanks for all the help


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Wow, that's freaky. I've never heard of them but sure this post will fill up quickly. Thanks for the notice, I'm installing Namalsk from DayZCommander right now so this should be interesting.

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The storm was an evr an emission from stalker. You hear that rumble get indoors and hold on to your butts

Good hunting, stalkers

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I was flying a helicopter when an evr went off. My friends shouted disconnect, disconnect! And I turned arouns, looked them straight in the eyes and said calmly "YOLO."

/YOLO was used as a joke.

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