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Cannot play since 1.7.1

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I'm using Six Launcher and it updated to 1.7.1 earlier. After several attempts I wasn't able to actually get into the game. There are two types of situations:

a) I get kicked out before I even get into the lobby "Bad version [...]" etc.

b) Sometimes I can connect (I think this is in case of 1.7.0 servers) and I get the HUD but only an empty landscape and I can't do anything.

I tried to update manually and downloaded the 1.7.1 files but I still get the same issues.

Any ideas here? Kinda stuck, would love to see the changes of the new patch.

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do you have the Arma 2 beta patch? If yes, does it say 'beta' on the right hand side of the main menu where it says DayZ when you start up the game?

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You need to download the new beta from the arma website. The latest beta patch is less then 2 weeks old.

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do you have the Arma 2 beta patch? If yes' date=' does it say 'beta' on the right hand side of the main menu where it says DayZ when you start up the game?


Actually it doesn't. Only yesterday I started using Six Launcher and everything worked fine the first few times. Before that I did use the beta. Now when I try to download the beta patches it says I need a username and pw, where do I get those from?

Isn't Six Launcher applying beta patches?

EDIT: Nevermind I managed to download beta and I will now try to install it.

EDIT 2: Okay so now I had the weirdest bug. I started the game via the script and not by Six Launcher (because when I tried it I got error b) (see above))

So when I joined a server I spawned in an empty landscape with HUD (as in error b)) but I could actually move and I saw several (5-6) players running around close by in the area, they mustve had the same issue. I looted the closest corpse and disconnected with a huge questionmark above my head.

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