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Looking for players to form a group

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Basically im looking for some more players to form a group on Day Z. If your interested leave a reply to this post and ill send the details over a pm. I'll need to know:





Do you have skype? (y/n) (dont leave it on this forum, ill get it over the pm):

Time Playing:

Look forward to hearing from you!


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Name: Landon

Age: 15

Location: USA: FL

Playstyle: Survival / Bandit, I only kill when the other player pose a treat.

Do you have skype?: EximiusMiles

Time Playing: I've been playing for 5 months and can CAN play for 7 hours a day during the school week, I can play for 24 hours during the week end.

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matt (IGN bobler)


Location :Vancouver canada (time zone PST)

playstyle: Sniper, Survival only go bandit if we all are hunting

Skype: pmed

time playing: been playing for 1month been playing fps for 10 years

i also own a server

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Name: Jeff (Online is A)

Age: 17

Location: Portland Oregon

Playstyle: Sniper, I have read the actual US Sniper manual and I know much about counter sniping and hiding. I am good at over watch and know how to read the map. I am very familiar with my weapon and I only kill other players if they are a threat to me or my group.

Don't have skype.

I've been playing for 5 years now and I normally play after 4pm - 1am

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Name: Jeff (Online is A)

Age: 17

Location: Portland Oregon

Playstyle: Sniper, I have read the actual US Sniper manual and I know much about counter sniping and hiding. I am good at over watch and know how to read the map. I am very familiar with my weapon and I only kill other players if they are a threat to me or my group.

Don't have skype.

I've been playing fps for 5 years now and have been playing DayZ for a couple mounths now. I normally play after 4pm - 1am

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Name: Andrew (Most people Call me AJ)

Age: 17

Location: Mcminnville, Oregon

Playstyle: Pretty friendly until someone attempts to take me out. I mostly Scavenge.

Do you have skype: Yes

Time Playing: Been Playing a few months now.

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Name: Kyle

Age: 26

Location: Florida

Playstyle: Survivor with brains.

Skype: eversonkb

Time Playing: About 4 months now. I play about 10-20hrs a week, give or take.

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Name: Alex IGN: XeSilenceD

Age: 18

Location: Idaho (MST)

Playstyle: Survivor, kill threats only.

Do you have skype? Yes

Time Playing: 2 months

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Name: Daniel, Ing MoUa

Age: 24

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Playstyle: Sneaky, Friendly, Like to fly choppas

Do you have skype?: yep

Time Playing: Well when are you gonna play ?

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Name:Alvaro IGN: mesyXD

Age: 18

Location: maryland

Playstyle:stealth close quarters

Do you have skype? (yes)

Time Playing: 3-4 months

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Name: Cj

Age: 16

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Playstyle: Marksman/Looter/Survivor, I love to be kind of a ranged guy but, doesn't mean CQC isn't my expertise. I also am willing to loot hot spots with no hesitation if it's needed for the group. I also like everyone else in the world, is trying to survive and I am willing to do anything to keep as much bodies as healthy and well armed as possible.

Do you have skype?: TheMuffinCan

Time Playing: About Half a year.

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Name: Josh (ign Mr Xethermic)

Age: 16

Location: England

Playstyle: Scout

Do you have skype? (y/n) (dont leave it on this forum, ill get it over the pm): Yes

Time Playing: Been plaing DayZ for a good 7 months

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Name: A.J. (Zarter)

Age: 18

Location: USA, Michigan

Playstyle: Depends on the situation i guess. I love being in cities. Something about the thought of a threat possibly around any corner is awesome. I can snipe, sneak up on snipers, and play in cities.

Skype: Yes

Time Playing: 5-6 months.

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Name:Benito (PERKaholic).


Location:USA, California.

Playstyle:I love zombies and shooter games and being in a big team.


Time Playing:Couple days but im getting the hang of it and within a couple days i know i can be as good as anyone else in here.

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We are looking for mature players at least 18 years of age, with good communication skills,

plays the game as it's meant to be played, no combat logging, no cheating / hacking, team

player, not afraid to sacrifice for the good of the team, similar interests / play styles.

Contact Us:

Check out the Divine Knights main site at http://divineknightsclan.com

And register in our forums and meet the Knights at http://divineknights...forum/forum.php

Add the leaders on steam as well.

Master General: Radica - Terra_Nova_11

Lt. General: Strigoi357 - [email protected]

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