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To Shoot or not to shoot; how do you decide?

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EDIT: I was is Celle (if you care) NOT Fallujia.

You all make very valid points. Yes I did disobeyed instructions but there was just that bad vibe. And frankly, I shouldn't have a agreed to anything. Now that I recall, I think a minute earlier i had also heard a gunshot but I had completely forgot about that. If I would have remembered that, none of this would have happened.....

Also he had this planned from the start. After I repawned and played it like i wasnt mad he said Something like (remember this is world chat) "Noob that'll teach you to never trust anyone." Asked me if I wanted my stuff back. I said "you can have it, cause you obviously would rather have my better stuff" I wasn't gonna fall for that shit again.

And Morgan, I was thinking almost the same thing. Since the standalone is coming out soon, I mind as well go for it, on armed people if I feel unsafe at all. :D (not all the time though)

Add me on steam if you'd like! I'm a good leader, even better follower. Also I may still have a good tent but its probably disappeared by now.


I'm 20, have Skype or steam chat... And even TS3

Hey man . my skype name is xdwj1234x. i am too tired of those people who shoot on sight. also my steam name is dwj1234.add me bro

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Not shooting people pays off in the end. Makes the game more interesting. Then again, it all comes down to reading the situation correctly and responding appropriately.

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