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[30+ Community] DayZ RMod [] [Veteran|3D:On|CH:Off|GMT-10] Private/WhiteList [Chernarus|300+Vehicles|NewLoadout|24/7Admins] | DayZ.ST

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[30+ Community] DayZ RMod [] [Veteran|3D:On|CH:Off|DayLight] Private/WhiteList [Chernarus|300+Vehicles|NewLoadout|24/7Admins] | DayZ.ST



Port: 3034

Filter: 30+ Com




BattleEye: ON

WhiteList GUID: ON

Hive: Private

Difficulty: Veteran

Restart server - 6 hours.

Time zone: DayLight.



Vehicles - 300+ Car & 10+ Air

Other: "live" administration of a 24/7


Policy server:

Swearing, insults, religious intolerance, racism and nationalism - ban for up to 14 days.

WARNING! Logoff during PvP-battle - ban for 24 hours.


Send your email with GUID on [email protected] or personal message on the forum.

We welcome honest and adequate players.

Sincerely, 30+ Community.

Plans for the next month:

The introduction of new military bases in the Chernarus with interactive objects (hospital, barracks);

The introduction of guerrilla camps and camps in the forests of Chernarus with interactive objects (tents);

The introduction of new types of small arms (AK-107, Saiga 12K, PKP Pecheneg, G36, M40A3, L115);

Editing the script spawn weapons grade Anti-Material Rifle (AS50, M107) to decrease.

Edited by hedgehog.hoary

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DayZ-server is running in conjunction with @rMod

@rMod here - http://depositfiles.com/files/2icn7w8dx


Copy @rMod in the root folder of ARMA2

Then edit the label starts by adding startup parameter: -mod=@dayz;@rMod


If you run DayZ through SixUpdater

Combine in a preset @DayZ, @rMod and expansion/beta


If you run DayZ through DayZ Commander

The setting must be a tab in a string Additional Launch Parameters to make the next record

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz;@rMod

Press to start LAUNCH DAYZ NOW

Edited by hedgehog.hoary

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