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dayz aus clan

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Hi I am think of starting a clan on aus servers any one can join the only requirements are that your not a complete noob I mean knowing they is no loot in the lighthouse second if you are below 13 you are not being a idot and speaking over players third is that you have skype this will change if we get more players we will have teamspeak and last requirement is you have to be able to connect to aus servers so if you would like to join pm me or leave an reply to this below like this


how often do you play:

how good are you (for if you will be able to teach):

what servers do you play on:

skype name:

steam name/in game name:

ps we might have a website soon

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Age: 14, look mate, i know how to handle people who are older ( Lol)

How often do you play: lot, i have 1 week of school holidays left, so i will be playing a lot. (not during the day {10-3 pm} so yeah, imnot sure about school. Definetely on weekends, but i may have homework in the week.)

How good are you: Dude, i have 2 camping tents, i know that you can run away from zombies with a massive horde. Just packed one up, am going to baracks near balota. Get some military loot. YEAH!

What servers do you play on: The one where my tent is normally, but i play on most aussie servers. I hop from time to time.

Skype name: Either Bman1296/Brad (custom name) Skype name: (from a couple of years back:) devostater12 (type it exactly)

Steam/In Game Name: Bman1296

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Oh. For a website, use enjin. Very good, i have one. I will make it if you want me too, i know how to, and it can be VERY confusing. Yes?

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age: 19

how often do you play: 80% of the time

how good are you (for if you will be able to teach): Not a Pro, Not a noob :D

what servers do you play on: any Server But only Chernarus map

skype name: MrDezJames

steam name/in game name: Steam= MrDezJames // in Game / Dorothy <dik why

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