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Make Sniping more realistic

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You think its easy sniping over 400m? and anyone can do it?



Carefull with that one asshat........... I would say alot of great elements from ace could be added to improve the gameplay and the sniper system could be a great addition. Making good snipers in the mod improve their tactics to becoming legit. As with all changes most of the good snipers now will adapt to it and you will have to find a new reason to say yea I love pvp but I mean how about.........

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i'd say sniping is as realistic as it needs to be, I think if sniper rifles were very rare that would be perfect. Only thing is you can find one if you know where to look and hackers litter servers with DMRs, as50s you name it which is a problem.

I mean you already have to find the distance and work out where you need to aim for the shot to hit and then if they are moving you have to adjust for that too. Whenever I go across any open space I also run jagged a bit and slow down randomly, which would make sniping me really hard. I've survived people shooting at me like that before, lol this guy got mad after first 2 shots and sprayed and he actually pulled aggro from a nearby town and got swarmed from what I saw.

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i'd say sniping is as realistic as it needs to be, I think if sniper rifles were very rare that would be perfect. Only thing is you can find one if you know where to look and hackers litter servers with DMRs, as50s you name it which is a problem.

I mean you already have to find the distance and work out where you need to aim for the shot to hit and then if they are moving you have to adjust for that too. Whenever I go across any open space I also run jagged a bit and slow down randomly, which would make sniping me really hard. I've survived people shooting at me like that before, lol this guy got mad after first 2 shots and sprayed and he actually pulled aggro from a nearby town and got swarmed from what I saw.

On a pure...unhacked server. Where all is nice. Then yes they are rare. On the average dayz server I found tents with 4 as50s in them... I have more as50s then dmrs! Maybe this is why all these "sniping op" threads exist because to much of it is going on.

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First I know what bulletdrop is. But you never have a exact 800 meters range. You always have some extra range so you have to correct it too especially on a running target ;) so stop try to "correct" me.

I think sniping must be powerful in every realistic game but it shouldn't be easy. At the moment is the sniping in Bf 3 harder :D

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make sniping ridiculously difficult and when you have a partner next to you as a spotter, accuracy will be 20-30% easier.

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Sniping with a spotter sould be min. 70 % easier and quicker. On long ranges you really need one unless u want to wait 10min for a not 100% precise shoot.

I think its not possible so add the coriolis effect on this engine. But im not sure

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Before posting my ideas, I must say that I haven´t played arma/dayz that much YET, so for example I don´t know if there is a distance measurement device in dayz or not. Also I haven´t tried every sniper rifle in dayz, so I´m not sure what kind of systems there is available. Please tell me about the distance measurement etc.

I´m a military trained sniper myself and I have few insights on this matter. Shooting long distances (depending on weapon/bullet/scope) should be difficult. What I would like to see is that you could have laser distance meter to measure distance. After that you would need to adjust the scope to match the distance and after that you could hit your target. Maybe some scopes/guns could be unaccurate when you get them, so you would need to shoot couple of test shots to adjust the scope to be accurate. I think if you apply wind (not to mention rain / air temperature / rotational error) to the equation, hitting over 500m would be quite difficult. Last competition I was in we had 11g bullets (7,62) and we shot at 730m with 7m/s wind. There were 163 competitors and 7 people (including myself) hit the 730m target. Even without wind hitting on a moving target over 300m away, i´d say is very difficult. BUT, that being said, you can run fast and change directions instantly when running on this game, so hitting that kind of target is obviously more difficult than in real life. That´s why sniping/shooting shouldn´t be 100% realistic.

We make our own bullets and compete in competitions similar to SEAL troops or green barets. I know all the information is available in the internet, but I´ll gladly give you guys information about sniper rifles / ammos if you need it. I´ll try to find some sniper rifles in the game (and watch youtube-videos) so I can try the system myself.

Edited by Doxxistor

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Yea the sniping shouldn't be 100 % realism. I think when we only add a wind effect it would make a big chance to the sniping in DayZ.

In vanilla Arma/DayZ only bulletdrop exist. That mean you have to find out the range via Rangefinder or if u smart via the map :P Then you can adjust the scope in 100 Meter steps.

If you really got military sniping experience you should maybe contact the devs and ask if they could need help :) But I dont know how much importance the devs for realism have.

Edited by KFC_Hoodie

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