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Welcome to banditville

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This is a server were you spawn with a custom load out this changes from time to time but is always opened, when you play for a while and make a profile on the website you can ask for your own loadout.

Mine for example I run a bunch of tin cans with out backpack nor bandages or anything lol another dude has a svd camo with a silenced makarov that takes regular makarov ammo. Another one has a Saiga shotgun and a m9, another one has a lapua sniper rifle and when the new gus spawn at this moment you get a G36c with a Makarov SD.

There is also custom towns and biplanes along with custom vehicles over 100 and the server restarts every 3 hours with multiple heads up. Now you might think there is a clan but the ECF tag just mean that people play there very long so they get the Elite Comand Force tag up front so there is two bands.. One with the Bruno and his group of bandits and Me and some dudes like Elastic, Bamby, Epic, Seth and 2 new dudes. The owner RazorZark kills anyone so be carefull lol just shoot him in the face.

There is also Powers and and his friends like Tiranosaur that are cool to all so they are like neutral but if you shoot them they will most likely kill you.

We play as heros so we help people give them rides trade guns and high value gear. Also we do some bloodbagging, bandaging, morphine for broken legs when you get gang banged by zombies and give food and water if you get lost.

We also have some events like wars and zombie mass murder count so the winner gets his own personal load out like the PKM, Coyote backpack, and all the goods like NVG's and what ever you like.

List your nametag and what role you play in the game and I'll get to you with the server name

Edited by madhellsing

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Nah it used to be bamby friendly untill some senseless killings of the inoccent happened lol and Elastic was recruting to many bambys so the owner got pissed and made it with the custom load out to encourage PVP of the bat. It is very dangerous land and the new buldings make it deadlier along with more zombie spawn so they are a lot of zombies the make it almost imposible to ger anywhere while poeple are shooting you from the mi17's

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