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Don't attack me, but God i would love an SP version as well.

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I love this mod and really enjoy playing on the packed servers, but there have been a few times I would love to take a break from the other players and just have a map to myself and the zombies. I know most of you get your fun from PvP'ing and grouping up, and for a lot of the time, so do I.

.. but I would love a separate option to just play sp on the map. I don't care about finding where the stashes are to memorise, because seriously my memory sucks so bad I actually forget what name was on the town signs less than 50 paces away from them.

I just love the exploration part whilst sneaking past the zeds and would love to kick back every few intense player games and load up an sp version to semi-relax in.

I would happily pay full price for that, well I would happily pay full price for this mod full stop, but that would be the icing on the cake for me.

Well, I can dream .....

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