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yo Aces

Frame rate trouble!

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I'm just going to start off by posting my system specs ( Not because i'm trying to brag because my system isn't that good.. )

- Intel Duo 2Core 2.4Ghz Processor ( Standard Intel, no i3, i5, i7 )

- Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT Graphics Card


Not a very beefy system, but it runs the majority of the newer games on High/ultra at 35-50 fps (Crysis 2, Battlefield 3, Black ops 2)

But for some reason I have the worst frame rate in ArmA II CO/DayZ/ACE-ACRE Mod.

Basically what i'm looking at doing is purchasing a second GeForce 9800 GT and connecting them with SLI, but the game has to be SLI compatible ( basically allowing two graphics cards to render out the game ) and I don't know for sure if ArmA II CO is.. so if anyone knows if ArmA is SLI compatible or has any suggestions as to what I could do to increase framerate, please let me know!

Also, I forgot to mention i've tried to overclock my graphics card and I see absolutely no difference in any games I play? Idk if i'm doing it wrong or what but it stays the same.. and I also still have the frame rate problems on Very Low graphics with EVERYTHING turned off/low. Frame rate is usually (12-17 )


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if u buy a sec 9800 im not sure your weak dual core will handle that and u canget more fps, the sli perormance is really good on new cards dont know about older ones like yours. (GTX680 sli gets about 98% usage on both cards)

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