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Recruiting hardcore BAD ass players for vet squad!

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My brother and I have a few people in our squad that are very good at the game of dayz and we enjoy killing more than anything. We need to grow our squad of blood thirsty pvpers to 10-15. We would like multiple squads in different areas of the map to hold down locations and take out any opposing players. If you are a skilled killer with the heart to survive and enjoy a good team atmosphere with constant support get in our team speak and talk to Ace or Lucent. We like to be an organized squad to take over which ever map we play on.

Team Speak Info


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Please post answers to the following then join our team speak. If we are not on then go to the website and post. We will only take the best so good luck.

In game Name:

Length of play time:

Preferred play style:

Preferred position:

Favorite Weapon:

Brief description of why you would be good in our vet squad:

Remember only the best will be chosen to stay in the squad, We are preparing for standalone and need good reliable killers to help our squad grow. Here is your chance to join and become one of the group. Dont worry about your current gear it makes no difference. The best killers can kill with a pistol/winny :)



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In game Name: MM Nacker

Length of play time: 4 months

Preferred play style: tactical/MASSACRE

Preferred position: Rifleman

Favorite Weapon: M4A1 CCO SD

Brief description of why you would be good in our vet squad:i am a seasoned dayz player,i know my way around the map, i have a mic and good communication and lastly I LOVE KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE

ALSO MY SKYPE IS: Tyson.Thompson16

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In game name: Todd

Length of play time: 4 months

preferred play style: medic/soldier

preferred position: pilot/medic

favorite weapon: M14 aim/DMR

Brief description of why you would be good in our vet squad: I play dayz everday, can fly and drive like a boss, good in combat, and im a great medic.

if your need my skype its: MinecraftTodd

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Sounds good guys. If you have not went to the forums yet do so and invite others you know to come as well. My work weeks have been kind of crazy but feel free to jump in the free teamspeak and play on the server in the mean time.

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in game name: brutehumiliater

time played:.....idk like last winter or spring don't know

play-style: hell anything you got for me.

preferred play-style: the guy with a gun plz.

favorite weapon: g36c silenced or not

why: i don't trust ppl in game so i won't think twice about shooting.

Skype brutehumiliate

:beans: :thumbsup:

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In game Name:MAX

Length of play time:almost 4 months

Preferred play style: sneeky and sniping, bandit ofcourse

Preferred position:anything the commander orders me ! AY!

Favorite Weapon: Or the fal or as50

Extra: I have played shooter games for my entire life, so I am kinda skilled.

I really am going to buy the standalone, I want to kill, and i want to be a valuable team member !

Please contact me :) ( skype=maxos1471)

Greets Maxos

Edited by maxos

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