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FoxHunt Heros/The FHH are recruiting. Bambi-loving/Anti-Bandit Clan

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Hello and Welcome,

The FHH are a friendly anti-bandit, bambi loving clan. Going forward we hope to host combat training for bambi's and new recruits. Along with clan wars in good spirit against friendly clans that play on the server.

We formed as a small group following a rescue mission in which we airlifted one of the founders to a hospital for Morphine and Blood, We are a clan built on honor and integrity. After pushing a highly aggressive and hostile clan who preyed on bambi's and unarmed players on the coast from the server, we have taken control and keep the peace.

We run a return fire only policy.

We do not steal or loot from camps of other players.

Exceptions may be made for bandits who shoot on sight at members of The FHH or for retrieval of goods stolen from The FHH.

To apply please respond to this post with the following details;

In game name;

Experience on Dayz; (Bambi's welcome)

Microphone; Y/N

Skype Name; (currently operating on skype however this will change soon)

The Server we play on is;

Name; DayZChernarus - ( [REGULAR][GMT-7] DayZ.ST Hive - Foxhunt UK | DayZ.ST


Port: 3051


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Edited by FHH Officer In Command
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In game name: OneTwo

Experience on Dayz: More than a month worth of experience, my last character survived for two weeks before dying from a hacker..

Microphone; Yes

Skype Name: kaerim

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In game name; Sleven

Experience on Dayz; Month or so, learnt fast, lot of hours

Microphone; Y

Skype Name; weebl89

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Ingame name: Timmy

Experience in DayZ: Played for 4 months regular foxhunt player

Mic: Yes

Skype Name: ImTomLuther

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In game name;rga1998

Experience on Dayz; Alot been playing for 7 months

Microphone; Yes

Skype Name; rga1998

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In game name;rga1998

Experience on Dayz; Alot been playing for 7 months

Microphone; Yes

Skype Name; rga1998

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In game name; Mark

Experience on Dayz; A few dayz

Microphone; yes

Skype Name; markos_maximas

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In game name; Mister Medic

Experience on Dayz; 5 Months of daily playtime. Longest Character life 1 month.

Microphone; Y

Skype Name; jpetrusk21

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To apply please respond to this post with the following details;

In game name; Assassin 2-1

Experience on Dayz; 160ish hours, 200 hours in ACE

Microphone; Yep, with TS3 and Skype

Skype Name; Tommy.lattanzio (the one with the picture)

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In game name; Dai

Experience on Dayz; (Bambi's welcome) 1 day

Microphone; Y/N Yes

Skype Name; (currently operating on skype however this will change soon) whatadai

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In game name: ben sarak-jones

Experience: a few days, although im very good and had a UAZ with as50's and stuff in it that i scavenged myself :)

Microphone: Yes

skype name: dookam98

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ign: sam

experience: intermidiate relatively good at driving but not such a good aim

mic: yes

skype name: samf1298

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In game name: BludWulf

Experience: not much a week or so

mic: yes

Skype name:bludwulf96

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In game name: Nick B

Experience on Dayz: playing off and on for several months now. I try and be friendly to everyone I meet even though that normally results in my own death. I've actually managed to get myself a hero skin and keep it for a while now.

Microphone: Y

Skype Name: PerturbedSpartan

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In game name; Stitch

Experience on Dayz; about a month; after dying repeatedly I've managed to keep the current one alive for almost two weeks, the previous one for one week before a hacker teleported everyone to Thunderdome.

Microphone; Y

Skype Name; StitchPlay

Out of curiousity, how will we be contacted?

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In game name;Kaspa

Experience on Dayz; (Bambi's welcome)About a week of two. Now my character is alive and fine (One of my longest living character(

Microphone; Y

Skype Name; (currently operating on skype however this will change soon) kasparux777

Just for curiousity. How will you contact me?

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