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Looking for group/Buddy.

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Hey fellow DayZ players.

My name is Raydano and i would like to welcome you to my DayZ recruiting thread.

I'am looking for players that like to:

Be serious.

Have some fun sometime.

Also i do expect you to know How to play the game.

Not much problems with age, I would prefer you to be 14+

Aslong as you are a mature player.

Me myself, I'm 14 but a really mature player that does not like to mess around and just wants to get something done.

I do not know any server in particullar we could play on, but we can find out about that later.

How to contact me:

Skype: damianstolk

Steam: Raydano

Seeya in the woods buddy!


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Hey i'd love to play, i've been playing for about 1 1/2 years now, i'm very experienced and very good, i can manage to get out alive in a gun fight, im a good sniper and would love to play

Skype: spikes.tactical

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Hi Raydano and greatscott,

Please take a look at our recruitment thread for info on the FHH play style and server info.

If you wish to join and play with us then please post on our thread and we will be in contact.


Rich - FHH PR, Media & Recruitment Officer

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Hello my name is Morpe I am from a fairly new clan called Fallen Immortals we are looking for new players here is a link to a post on the dayz forum please fill out the form and then just join are teamspeak and talk to either Royale,Troy,or AiViA

You can join the clan here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/113555-fi-fallen-immortals-open-recruitment/#entry1073818

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