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No weapon at spawn

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So I actually just spent 10 minutes making this account JUST so I wouldnt have to hear people say "Bandits will have control over the coast without spawn weapons" anymore.

Here is why I dont think that will occur:

1. Why would Bandits kill new players, because they basically have NO loot anymore.

2. Bandits will be too busy travelling inland to look for good loot to stay on the coast.

3. There is already evidence that this wont happen, i.e., the thread thats titled "Cherno is actually safer now".

4. The spawn points arent really that predictable (atleast in my expirience). By the time they actually find a new player, they will be starting to get hungry and have to leave and look for food.

So maybe im just not understanding why people think this will be a problem, I dont think it will be.

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Also the only reason to kill new players now is for the lulz but no rage can insue to do no real loot, and its just them wasting ammo which means they will need to deal with the new zombies to get some more.

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Agreed, wont probaly be a problem. We will see how it all turns out.

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Also the only reason to kill new players now is for the lulz but no rage can insue to do no real loot' date=' and its just them wasting ammo which means they will need to deal with the new zombies to get some more.


Yes I agree.

Again, the only reason I made this thread is so I wont have to hear people make this argument aginst the update.

Seriously people, give things some thought before you make random complaints that come to your head.

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I've had this game for 6 hours and have yet to find a weapon. There are armed players killing me before I get so much as 400 yards inland.

Who says they have to gain something out of it? I've tried half a dozen servers and so far it's the same everywhere.

If you have a weapon you're a god on the coast.

Maybe I'm just unlucky but I seriously wish I had decided to try this game a few days ago instead. I have no reason to log back in and sit through all the loading just so I can make someone's day by being an unarmed idiot.

I want my $30 back.

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I've had this game for 6 hours and have yet to find a weapon. There are armed players killing me before I get so much as 400 yards inland.

Who says they have to gain something out of it? I've tried half a dozen servers and so far it's the same everywhere.

If you have a weapon you're a god on the coast.

Maybe I'm just unlucky but I seriously wish I had decided to try this game a few days ago instead. I have no reason to log back in and sit through all the loading just so I can make someone's day by being an unarmed idiot.

I want my $30 back.

this is rediculous, like really? unarm everyone on spawn?! like honestly this mod is going to flop if this is not suddenly changed this is a bad move.

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I've had this game for 6 hours and have yet to find a weapon. There are armed players killing me before I get so much as 400 yards inland.

Who says they have to gain something out of it? I've tried half a dozen servers and so far it's the same everywhere.

If you have a weapon you're a god on the coast.

Maybe I'm just unlucky but I seriously wish I had decided to try this game a few days ago instead. I have no reason to log back in and sit through all the loading just so I can make someone's day by being an unarmed idiot.

I want my $30 back.

I don't know why people think that gaming should involve studying and learning locations of weapons and how to fool A.I. but I do know this:

I am new' date=' I've played for abour 4 hours and although I love the concept of this game, it needs to be changed. I understand that people used to spawn with pistols and I like the idea of the invulnerability to prevent spawn killing rather than not having a weapon to start. I had a good 10 runs of fruitless searching and dying to zombies.

I successfully lost the zombies aggro and I even made it to a town with high rise buildings (didn't catch the name) and searched about 5 buildings before some player killed me because I ran on top of his post while fleeing from zombies.

To make a long post a little less long... Newbies cannot survive as the game currently stands, I want to play this game, not do what I've been doing the past 4 hours, which is running around aimlessly looking through ugly buildings with glitchy doors to find tin cans and a watch.

Give me a pistol or make them WAY more common to find pretty please? I ALMOST feel like I wasted 30 bucks, but I know this game is fun.


Don't log on a 50 player server

Don't log on a recruit or higher server

Run the fuck away from the shore

I've never had a problem regarding this. Not once. I've only been playing for three days, died tonnes of times in Cherno and Elektro etc, but never on the shore.

Stop bitching and man the fuck up. And no, you won't get your $30 bucks back. You bought ArmA II, not DayZ. DayZ is free! :)

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I've seen evidence that contradicts your own, OP. Don't assume that everyone must agree with you or they're being ridiculous. For every account of someone easily finding a weapon or never having an issue with bandits, there's another about how they keep getting camped and can't find shit.

Maybe going back to the way things were isn't the way to solve it, but there is an issue here, and to pretend that it doesn't exist because you don't have problems strikes me as both exceedingly arrogant and ignorant.

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I don't see the no weapon start as an issue, but to be honest I wouldn't care in the slightest if they brought it back. People who start fights with zombies using crap weapons are just free kills for bandits. The game is about avoiding zombies, not killing them. On a populated server making the first shots in a loot heavy area is like a death sentence, having no weapon to start with at least forces you to learn how to use stealth effectively.

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