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Bases, cargo, sleep, BANDIT SOLUTION, skin

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TL;DR : cargo, sleep to survive, select your skins for preferable looks, savior system for true hostile/friendly determination

bases for awesomeness and rally points + protection, cargo for moving objects and placing them into vehicles for transport

this game needs base building, cargo system (ability to store items into vehicles, move objects around and place, etc.) maybe a sleep system, gota have sleep to survive

As for the bandit system, i think humanity should deduct by kills rather than damage inflicted on fellow survivors. And everyone gets 1 kill b4 the 2nd turns them into a bandit. Once that kill is used up, no matter if you go from bandit and back to survivor in your lifespan, you cant have that 1 free kill unless you get killed first.


since the game engine can verify who killed who, and which projectile hits who, maybe a code or something could be made so that if someone shoots at you, your humanity goes up, shooter goes down. if you manage to kill your attacker, this will be self defense, and the points you gained will be refuned.

If someone else saves you on the other hand (survivor) the points you lost goes to the savior.

As for skins, there should be a variety of bandit AND survivor skins. Since apparently rocket has gotten the skin transition to work perfect, maybe he can make like a model/skin selection hud. Bandits being any opfor/hostile uniform, survivor can be civilian skins to blufor uniforms like marines or army (maybe others like navy or airforce if theres a model/skin pack or something) Would be nice to see some variety rather than seeing everyone wearing private military uniforms.

P.S. The textures are really bad with the PMC models, not everyone will buy the full versions of BAF or PMC, so vanilla skins or OA skins would be nice ): i like high res skins/models :/


Ability to sleep to replish stamina and blood, also slow down the hunger/thirst process.

While in sleep you cannot change weapons or do anything basically, and moving will cancel sleep.

Logging off should put your character in a sleep state in the data base, so when your offline, your gettin dat rest :)

THIS ALSO ALLOWS everyone to play in servers :) Lets say no where is safe for you and you need sleep or you will die, only way is to log off. This allows other players to join the server (since servers are mostly full 24/7 cuz DAYZ IS SO AWESOME)

forgot base building

build bases somewhere in the inland areas for safety and storage. maybe that dynamic bases somewhere in the forums where theres a door and you can enter your base thats like 100km up into the sky but its nice and safe (if you havent heard of it, look on the suggestions for dynamic shelter or something)


That would make dynamic shelters perfect

but another way for base building is to scavenge for materials like barricades and bunkers. Then vehicles come into play where you can store the objects into vehicles to move them place to place, (If you played dynamic zombie sandbox modified by TAW with cargo system, youll know what i mean.)

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What is this, minecraft?

This is Post-Apocalypse Russia where everyone out there is tryin' to get your beans. Man up and carry your shit. You don't need 100 cans of coke.

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