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[MM] Recruitment! Serious players only

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Hey all, I am eddy bravo, and I am the group leader for this clan, I would like to point out before I start, I want serious players, no bullshit of others trying to take control or refusing orders, if you refuse orders, you are out, I have to be strict not to sound like a cock, but the amount of people who wont take the group seriously is starting to annoy me, annoy me is a understatement maybe... seriously pissing me the fuck off... right.. now that is established, lets get down to things.

I want mature gamers who are 18 years of age, and want to be in a serious group, using tactical gameplay, I want a sniper, a spotter, and two rifle men (as a ideal set up if we had the equipment) I will use rifles and ACOG M16s but never a sniper rifle or to spotter since I am not great at those roles, but of course from about 5 of us, I would want to grow that possibly to cover more area,

I would want people to have some common sense, and who can follow orders, I would say "You can have your say" but not anymore, if your not prepared to follow orders, then your out, removed, I might allow it once I seen that people can still follow my final decision, but if you can't bang your gone, I would like it if people played regularly, I don't play every single day, but I do play enough I think, I understand if your busy for longer and me likewise, just try and tell me if your going to be busy, and likewise to the group if I can unless it is sudden occurrence,

If you are interested, please add eddythegamer, I will only accept to 16 possibly, but no lower than that, so add me if your interested If you do not have skype and need to contact me through other means, then please PM me and we can arrange something

thanks for reading

also I would like to say that British players are encouraged to join

Edited by mrbravo66

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I'd love to play man, I've been playing since 1 year when the mod came out, i'm very serious and have very good gear atm, let me know when/if you want to play

Skype: merle dixon

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I'd love to play man, I've been playing since 1 year when the mod came out, i'm very serious and have very good gear atm, let me know when/if you want to play

Skype: merle dixon

Yeah thats awesome. we play on private hive server, I am starting again on it, We will play on public hive, we all got to get familiar with eachother as a team, then we can move on to private hive-

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Hey man i love playing tactile and i am very good with acog rifles,

add me on skype! tyson.thompson16

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How old are you, mrbravo66?

I am 18, sorry for such late reply, I haven't logged on in a long while

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