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____ (DayZ)

Hunting Knife and Cannibalism Ideas

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Ok, Im unsure if im breaking the rules here by discussing Cannibalism, If i am just lock thread and remove thanks.

First Thing first the hunting Knife. Its most likely been discussed previously but i want to add a twist

1 - Hunting Knife. Its obvious every body thinks that you should be able to kill animals with it as well as gut them. I think you should also be able to hack flesh from carcases with other things such as the hatchet and maybe a sharp stone. Consequence is that you get less meat from them and takes more time.

2 - IF the tool you have used, has been used to kill a zombie, then it will need to be washed before you kill the animal and gut it. If you don't then the meat will be inedible as it will be infected. (Keeping in mind we don't know how virus is spread. Im assuming via consuming infected blood/food this will pass it onto you). Maybe if you don't use the correct tool you don't gain as much blood back from the meat you just satisfy your hunger.

2a - Perhaps the tool you use for gutting needs to be cleaned over time regardless as it could pass disease. You could clean the tool with either a gun cleaning kit if they introduce these. In water boiling water - this would contaminate the water and become undrinkable.

You could also burn the tool in a hot flame but it runs the risk of further damage to the tool. Weakens/softens the blade or chars the handle so it could break when you use it next time.

Im not going to get into how to fix the tools as that would be fore another thread. but will say this perhaps the blade could be re-tempered by heating it up and then dipping it in water.

3 - Cannibalism could be an option if you are rely hungry. you could gut a human body that you come across similar to gutting an animal. However this comes with huge risks, you don't know if this meat is diseased and run the chance of being infected.

4 How long does meat last? you cook it maybe a few days then it goes off? If it is off you could get disease at worst or if its just not at its best you just don't get as much blood. also a pass on from above number 3. if you were to gut a carcase that has been lying around for a day or so the meat may not be at its best.

If you carry raw meat around i don't think it should last as long as cooked meat before it needs to be cooked and consumed

4b - perhaps to stop people killing to gut you for your meat, maybe you could only eat human meat if your hunger level was very very low. to get around rating laws they could do what skyrim do and just call it strange meat.

(EDIT: I mean to say is you can only eat human meat when you are at the point of starvation and there is no other option. When you are at this point of starvation it is unlikly you have the ability to kill anybody anyway, it would be luck if you found a body to gut)

Sorry if this touches on some dodgy topics but in reality if your hungry and you need to eat what ya gana do.

thanks for reading.

Edited by ____
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First Thing first the hunting Knife. Its most likely been discussed previously but i want to add a twist

beans for the pun intentional or not.

I'll check it out, sorry for going off topic, trying to get back on topic.....

It seems a better idea than some I have seen on the forums, how workable it would be I don't know.

At least you put it in a less psychotic way than other posts I have read,. :thumbsup:

It could also have an effect on humanity, maybe it would drive you crazy if you cannabalise regularly and dont become infected.

Not only would you have bandits, but lunatic cannibals running around the hills as well? That sounds like "fun".

Edited by HollyDayZ

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beans for the pun intentional or not.

:) Off topic but youtube "Come Fly With Me - If you'll pardon the pun" its funny cause he doesn't know what a pun is.

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I don't get the morbid fascination people seem to have with cannibalism in the game... I really don't. Why would you want to simulate eating another person after killing them (assuming it was you who killed them)?

As the wiki link above provides, cannibalism isn't something that can be maintained for really any length of time and through large amounts of consumption due to the recycling of hormones and fluids through the human being's digestive system, serious neurological and physiological damage can happen very quickly. Cannibalism is something that is resorted to as a desperate hungry person's means of survival and there are documented cases of humans eating humans in the last 100 years because they needed to survive. It isn't something that is done regularly anymore nor is it something that is done without serious emotional damage. Only a true sociopath or psychopath would be capable of eating human flesh without being driven mad by guilt.

As the previous poster mentioned it wouldn't be a viable solution in game either because of long term symptoms including uncontrollable muscle spasms which would really cripple anyone's ability to do anything that required steady hands (ie: aiming a gun/crossbow/bow/whatever) so not many people would end up doing it anyway.

Seriously guys... We've had at least a dozen cannibalism suggestion threads in the month and change I've been registered for this site. Please just, enough already x_x

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Cannibalism is something that is resorted to as a desperate hungry person's means of survival and there are documented cases of humans eating humans in the last 100 years because they needed to survive. It isn't something that is done regularly anymore nor is it something that is done without serious emotional damage. Only a true sociopath or psychopath would be capable of eating human flesh without being driven mad by guilt.

Desperate hungry person? Like y'know, a person in the middle of the god-damned apocalypse...

Also, you could get botulism eating food straight from the can. And the dietary implications behind a diet consisting only of uncooked canned goods and meat would likely have long-term adverse affects. By the way, the disease above is pretty localized. Further reading suggests that it was spread because someone who already had the disorder was eaten rather than just stemming out of people eating people.

But seriously, it's a viable suggestion, has consequences, and fits in well with the tone of the game (The zombie apocalypse isn't a nice place with sunshine and rainbows).

Edited by Dekartz

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The game would banned in Australia. I've suggested it before, and that's what I got for a response. I don't those poor Austarlians to lose out, but it'd be amazing if implemented.

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That's nice, the setting is already dark and gritty as it is. It doesn't need to give potentially sociopathic players an outlet for their gore fantasies to wank to while they play DayZ.

The number of these threads that have sprouted up (mostly due to peoples' lack of ability to use the search function and partly due to the morbid fascination people have with the concept) is enough to both make me lose a bit of faith in people and at the same time make me glad that I only leave my house for work, food and hanging out with friends.

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I don't get the morbid fascination people seem to have with cannibalism in the game... I really don't. Why would you want to simulate eating another person after killing them (assuming it was you who killed them)?

As the wiki link above provides, cannibalism isn't something that can be maintained for really any length of time and through large amounts of consumption due to the recycling of hormones and fluids through the human being's digestive system, serious neurological and physiological damage can happen very quickly. Cannibalism is something that is resorted to as a desperate hungry person's means of survival and there are documented cases of humans eating humans in the last 100 years because they needed to survive. It isn't something that is done regularly anymore nor is it something that is done without serious emotional damage. Only a true sociopath or psychopath would be capable of eating human flesh without being driven mad by guilt.


I disagree... with your statement of cannibalism only happening in cases of extreme survival...


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I think an awesome idea would be that you could use the hunting knife to chop of a dead player's limbs and carry them around. In the future, you could throw the dead limb near a zombie and the zombie will be attracted to it, being led away from a location that the player wishes to go through.

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I think an awesome idea would be that you could use the hunting knife to chop of a dead player' s limbs and carry them around. In the future, you could throw the dead limb near a zombie and the zombie will be attracted to it, being led away from a location that the player wishes to go through.

walking dead style. shoot your mate in the knee cap and let him be eaten while you run away telling a cool story on how he saved your life.

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