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DayZ group recruitment

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Hey we are about 3 guys that play dayz regulary.

We are now looking for more people to play with.

The kind off people we are looking for are

+Sort off experience players or know how to play and how to pvp

+People that are on regulary

+We are taking alot and we want you to do the same

+We dont accepet squikers

+Basic english we only speak english

+We are 14-16 years old and you need to be around the same age

Contact me on skype Edvin (Badger) or XcXvovoXcX

We are using skype atm but are thinking to change to TS3

we are located Europe

Edited by TheSwedishBadger
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hey im 14 and from the uk i mainly play on dayz uk 119 sever and a guy i met has a truck that could drive us

Edited by Jimmy.

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