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BattalionofHonor.com|24/7 Day Time|Whitelisted|Private Hive|Custom loadouts & More|99515|REGULAR NP:OFF|3D:ON|CH:ON|

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* We welcome all players whether you are a bandit, newbie, survivor or a clan!

* We are always looking for new players and clans to join our server!

* friendly admins 30+, No spawning in guns, no admin tool abuse!

* Teamspeak 3 Server for our players to use!

Chernarus Server info:

* Chernarus only Server! No randomly changing map! So you wont lose your gear!

* Chernarus server restarts every 6 hours to spawn fresh loot and less lag!

* Along with crash heli's we have care packages and C130 wrecks!

* 3rd Person + crosshairs + death messages + Side chat!

* Added on buildings, towns and more!

* Chernarus is Whitelisted only!

* 300 max ping!

* 200+ vehicles!

Taviana Server info:

*Taviana only Server! No randomly changing map! So you wont lose your gear!

*Wasteland only Server! No randomly changing map! So you wont lose your gear!

* Taviana server restarts every 3 hours to spawn fresh loot and less lag!

* Custom Starting Loadouts!

* 24/7 Daytime Taviana server!

* 200+ vehicles!

* 30min backups!

* 300 max ping!

* Taviana server stats! Which include = total players, players in last 24hours, total alive, player deaths, zombies killed, headshots, murders, bandits alive, bandits killed and working vehicles!

*Taviana player stats! Which include = top five bandits, top five heros, top five survivor kills, top five bandit kills, top five zombie kills, top five headshots and a list of all player stats on the server!

Server Rules:

* Do NOT use any kind of RACISM, ANTI SEXUAL or SEXUAL TAUNTS on our servers!

* Do NOT destroy fresh vehicles on purpose!

* Do NOT DUPE items!

* Do NOT use voice in sidechat unless it is to contact a [boH]Admin!

How to get on the Whitelisted:

1. Go to www.battalionofhonor.com and sign up!

2. Click on the Whitelister Application at the top of the page once signed in!

3. Fill out the form with your gamer name and GUID!

It normally takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour to get put on the list. Once you have been added you will receive a private message and or email letting you know.

Custom Buildings, Towns and more Chernarus server:










All new crash sites at the NEAF holds a little surprise for all of you! Just watch where you poke your heads or you might just end up in a grave!

Being active on our forums will get you all kind of info about our server, and it allows you to get your input about the server and more! Along with our website we have a twitter account where we post all our major updates and news.

We are always looking and asking what our players would like to see to iimprove our website and servers!






All our server can be found by searching dayz commander or in game browser filtering for battalionofhonor.com

Edited by P1-Kashwak
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we just hit 255 whitelisted players. I just want to say thank you all and hope to see you all in game!

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We would like to say thank you to the *=SAS=* Clan for bringing over their whole clan to our server!

We would also like to thank the following clans for joining up and making our server even better.

MnG' , (FHH), TBG, [HoC] and the Clan [HotN]!

We would also like to say a thank you to all our new members! And enjoy everyone of you that have signed up!

All of you make our server great and we can always look forward to play some DayZ with you great players!

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We just hit our 300th whitelister! Thank you all for joining our server!

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first post has been updated to include our new servers and updated info!

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