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Looking for tactical teammate(s)

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Name: Zweetwater

Age: 15

Location: Sweden

I'm a tactical player and I'm looking for tactical teammates, If you can play like using "Enemy at 2 O'Clock" etc it would be nice because I need teammate(s) and also you need to have good teamwork so we can flank or track people and cover our teammates.

If you know the YouTuber sacriel42 you will have an idea of how I would like to play.

I've got no gear currently so I will be starting from scratch and I'm mature so don't judge me for my age, If you would like to play with me reply to the thread and I'll contact you by PM.

Have a good day/night if you're not interested :)


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Your name means ''Sweatwater'' in Dutch.

That was totally on topic... Yes I know.. Sweetwater was unavailable..

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add me on skype: kaapo.bebeng or steam: snipez444 or if yo cant find with that: [DBSE] GK Maverick. Im really into playing tactical.... but im 14, dont judge by my age im mature :P

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Why not? 17 from Bulgaria (which means I can read road signs).

Add me on skype, my IGN, forum and skype names are the same. Timezone is GMT+2.

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