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1.7.1 Too Difficult?

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I've come to realise. This recent patch. Is way to difficult. Server members have been complaining to "Group Chat" on how bad it is. All ive figured is that. The Zombies are way to OP. You get taken out too fast. The animations are brillant, but the new system of how they can spot you so easily, makes the game -unenjoyable to a level. Your stealth Almost seems pointless. I really think it should return back to how it was in 1.7. (NOTE) I am to a level. Happy with the patch. Yet it does seem a bit to harsh on newer members.



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Note- Do not think Everything should return to how it was in 1.7, just the Zombie's Strength, and Field of View, and how easily they find you.

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Brace yourself. The "learn to play noob" comments are coming

Remember i did say. People in "GROUP" Chat, thats where i got this from, Then i checked it out for myself. Seems alot harder. Yet, i thought id post this to ask others

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Im losing interest. Too many zombies, no weapon, increased LOS for Zed's, is all slowly ruining the game.

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