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Looking for a team.

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Hey men and women. I'm an experienced vet of the post apocalyptic nightmare we live in here in the Day-Z world. I'm looking one or two of you to team up with and get me back into the game, or looking to join an organized group. Please let me know if anyone has a group or is interested in starting one :) I do have a skype: jpetrusk21

Edited by Cpt.TJ
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Howdy fella, check us out @ The BSB Network.

We are primarily an open community for fun and fair mature (adult) gamers, no obligation to join our teams or clan, just turn up and run witha few trustworhty, decent people. If you want to play more dedicated you can and join on eof our fireteams, if no not no worries just play casually as and when you like.

We have over 1600 registered players, 300+ off which playing Day Z. We have our own TS3 server and Day Z servers (private and main hive) with players daily at all times of the day and night. We've been around more than 10 years so we're not some daft kid clan that's here today gone tomorrow.

We have no daft rules or restrictions, all we ask for is fair play and common sense. Check out our TS3 server right now to see who;s online playing right now here!

Anyway, if you're interested just hop on our TS server or our game servers, or alternatively join our website and just get invovled!

Hope to see you in game soon!!

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I'll team up with you. I've got an extra hatchet and some chemlights for ya.

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