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NMHD / NMDZ Clan/Group Recruitment.

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Hello, my name is Ethan, also known as N0xM3RCYxHD (no mercy).

This clan im making is called NMHB (No Mercy's Heros/Bandits)

If you are a hero, your welcome in! If you are a bandit, your welcome in!

The idea is, if you dont like bandits or Heros, just dont associate with them. I'll have 2 "divisions" on ventrillo/teamspeak/skype. Im currently deciding how to handle that, anywho ill have a "Bandit Leader" and "Hero Leader" who will keep things in order if im not able to. Im neutral, ill associate with both groups and i may choose one to be more associated with, we will have 2 camps, as you may have guessed for both bandits and heros, all i have to say though is they WILL be near eachother and do not go stealing others stuff, you may ask for it as you please but DONT STEAL.

I have a heli with 2 FN FAL's and more, if your in ill give you the info. Just write a comment saying

I am a: (bandit/hero)

How long have you played?

Are you a well rounded person/do you get along with others?

MSG me your skype name, ill talk to you there.

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im a bandit

i have played about 5/6 months

i get on with anyone

skype: snaggle18

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Fairly new to the forums, been lurking a bit, first time poster. Hi!

I'd say I'm a mix between both a hero and a bandit. However if I were to pick one I'd go with bandit.

I've been playing for roughly a month.

Fairly social, I get along with nicely with people aslong as they are somewhat mature and respectable.

Skype = Corehaxer

Edited by Ventag

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