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|NEW SERVER| Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Server |DayZChernarus| - ( [3P:On DM:ON CH:ON][DayLight] Private Hive

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Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Server has just been launched.


Port: 3068

Website: www.BGUS.co.uk

BGUS Ventrilo IP:

It operates on a private Hive with over 100 vehicles in it. There are additional spawnpoints for vehicles aswell as new vehicles previously not available on the chernarus map.

The server is administrated by several fair & trustworthy admins, striveing for a fun & fair environment for all to play in.

Currently the server is operating on always daylight mode but once we have our website up and running will be adding schedualed periods of night time to add variety to the gameplay on our server.

Third Person, Crosshairs & Death Messages are all on the server.


We have completely re-created the vehicle spawn points on our server, there are around 250 actual places that a vehicle can spawn but each has a very small chance of actualy spawning a vehicle. This is to try and get players to explore more of the map to find hidden treasures, such as military grade vehicles etc.

In the future we are looking to organise events on the server aswell as scenarios to keep things interesting. We welcome players oh all sorts, be it Bambis, Carbears ,Bandits or Clans. All are welcome as long as they follow these simple rules:


1. No hacking/cheating/glitching

2. No keeping vehicles or tents outside the map (They will be deleted without warning)

3. No Racism or overtly abussive chat

4. No Spamming

5. No Combat Logging

Things that are frowned upon:

- Shooting unarmed players

- Using mic in side chat

With all that said and done I hope to see you on our server!


Edited by vonlinchen
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right i've got a few guys together now :)

It'd be nice if we could get another group or clan to compete against >:P

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Server's great. Been playing a bit and it seems super stable which is great. I guess the only thing it's missing is a few more players, but it being relatively quiet is still a nice change of pace. (That helicopter certainly spices things up, too!).Would be great to have competing clans here, though.

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so how stable do you think the servers gonna be? I've not had any trouble and its been really consistent but there hasnt been a ton of people on, and im wondering if it might degrade later on.

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It should be completely stable even maxed out with 50 players.

On a side note, looks like we have our first clan on the server :)

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Like the server so far Vonlinchen. Enjoy also spawning with a weapon, and the fact that the vehicles are actually there.

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Like the server so far Vonlinchen. Enjoy also spawning with a weapon, and the fact that the vehicles are actually there.

Glad to hear it. We like to ensure that there are plenty of vehicles around, my clan/group are not fans of hording so when we capture a vehicle, we don't need, we will often place it somewhere easy for people to find :)

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Player count is realy starting to pick up, some groups are emerging and some conflict has begun between them :)

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In the process of adding some buildings to areas of the map that need a little TLC.

The idea is to make certain ares of the map more realistic & encourage players to go there.

Heres what we've got so far:




North East Airfield:


Areas we may look into next:



Northern Road

PS: This forum is pathetic, slow as sin & cant even post image....

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This is a great server to play on, considering i play from stateside as well i have had little if not any issues with lag at all whilst playing on this server. The admins are very friendly and helpful as well. I recommend the server to anyone wishing to find a permanent one to play on.

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Played on it for a few minutes last night. Seems like a good server. I don't like starting out with much so I just dropped my weapon :P

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Fixed bug where tents weren't loading after server restart.

Also fixed chopper crash sites not spawning.

Sorry about any inconvenience this may have caused people.

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Ongoing Server Maintenence ~ Please be aware that we are currently in the process of reworking our vehicle spawn points on the server. All vehicles that have not already been taken by players have been temporarly deleted while we work out the new spawn locations. Vehicles should be spawning again within the next 48 hours. Thankyou for your patience

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right i've got a few guys together now :)

It'd be nice if we could get another group or clan to compete against > :P

Hi, im glad to say I will be joining this server soon to do some quick tests (connection, lag and all that stuff) soon. I will be joining with my Squad of 3-6 players depending on the time and all that. But i look forward to spending time on here.

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