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TS3 in servers or site?

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im new to this and i havent started playing yet and i was wondering if ts3 was on the servers or on this site, answers would be appreciated

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Hi, welcome to the community! The game has in-game comms mate which only works in proximity of your character. Most people use their own or the server groups TS3 servers. For example we have 2 Day Z servers (Public and Private Hive) but also provide a free Public TS3 server for our server users to use.

Hope you enjoy the game once you start playing.

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We run a separate TS server with multiple channels for our own group, bandits and fellow noobs. The extra channels are useful when we are at different places on the map.

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We run a separate TS server with multiple channels for our own group, bandits and fellow noobs. The extra channels are useful when we are at different places on the map.

i think ill join your server some time. do i need all the other maps for DayZ?

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