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[Idea] Broadcasting to the DayZ nation

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What if Bandits or Bambi's with the right equipment could broadcast their own radio station over select channels. Then when people find radios they can tune into these repeating broadcasts or custom radio stations with limited battery power/range depending on radio type. Homes have the standard ones and military bases once repaired could have better ones for broadcasting etc.

On the one hand some towns might want to offer a peaceful existence calling out to people to help save humanity.

Another take people could use it for semi private conversations for medium to long distance conversations but beware bad guys could listen in too.

Then the bandit scum could also send out fake broadcasts of beans a plenty here only to to set a very nasty trap... get what im saying?

Some cars might have working radios where you can tun into the latest zombie dubstep.

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No offence, but I think this would be really complicated and most people would not even bother doing this.

Edited by Sprinklers

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Yes and Yes. Who wants to be the co-anchor of my morning show? I'll bring the mugs.

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I like the concept. It would be a push up to people to build up things together. Groups and paranoia, all together. I really like the idea.

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I mean what if you come across a Wilkie talkie in the night, cycle the channels and says *is anyone there* and you get a response from other people switched on that channel. If you have enough batteries or current power you can leave it on but people near can hear the Walkie talkie or radio. I'm sure then you would get people tuned into help. But then you know there is the dark side. UAZ,s or Heli,s can transmit and receive but cars just tune in. So your not forcing that experience on a player but it could be a useful / dangerous tool.

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Yes and Yes. Who wants to be the co-anchor of my morning show? I'll bring the mugs.

That's it I bet DJ Headshot is going to put in a 8 hour shift giving everyone the news on the map laying down some beats.

I like the concept. It would be a push up to people to build up things together. Groups and paranoia, all together. I really like the idea.

Yep that's just it.


LoL perfect.

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Love it, great idea! Sprinklers, i don't see how it would be too complicated. And the rewards could be huge be it finding allies/luring people in to a trap for loot so i could totally see people doing it.

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Good morning folks and welcome to Bean talk radio! Now today we have a Mr. Bambi on the radio.


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i'd love it. get in good with a bunch of heros, then kill them all while their backs are turned.

can't wait.

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