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1.7.1 spawn glitched, help.

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After updating to 1.7.1 it spawned me in a hill with nothing around, i can only assume this is the infamous de-bug spawn point.

I can move around, shoot everything. Any hints into where this spawn actually is? so i can get out. I really don't want to lose my stuff.

I am heading south ( since i have compass) to hit the beach, but not sure if i am going the correct way.

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You were spawned in the debug hills. It happens usually when you enter a server and get stuck in the "Loading" screen. You need to run EAST to get back to the map. Do this for about 10-15 minutes and you'll be at the edge of the map.

Boring, but beats dying with good gear at least..

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Which way's east !? Head for the sun and left a bit?!

oh bugger, no sun...

EDIt: oh yes - if I walk into my shadow that's North; so turn 90deg right...

This could take a while although I have a paperclip jammed in the keyboard while running. This will be fun for about 2 mins...

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its not work for me to runing east.

Im runnig for 30 minuts to east, i have a compas as well, but i see only empty hils.

1.7.1, 93825 Beta.

I have nice equipment with the big coyote backpack, i dont like to loose it all.

Any idea?

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Your shadow is not necessarily north.

Also, empty hills is not debug forest, it's debug hills. You need to run southeast from them.

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I was in debug hills yesterday but even after running SE for 10 mins and changing server it put me right back where I started in the hills, like something out of groundhog day.

Came across a post on the forums and basically it said logging on to "Canada 2" server 'fixed' it for them, logged onto canada 2 and was now in the debug forest and I could finally escape.

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Running southeast dosnt work.

Bevor this i had only the bug spawn in water. I swim to the nord, then run east and after 10 minuts i was in Kamenka.

Empty hills... Funy...

So any idee, mayby i hav to run only south? or mayby southwest? :/

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Its working! :)

I connected to the server "Canada 2", the i was in the forest, i run east and i found Pavlovo :D

After that, im diconnect, and connect to a server with 1.7.1 and 93825 beta.

And its working :)

Thank you tiff_lee :)

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Its working! :)

I connected to the server "Canada 2"' date=' the i was in the forest, i run east and i found Pavlovo :D

After that, im diconnect, and connect to a server with 1.7.1 and 93825 beta.

And its working :)

Thank you tiff_lee :)


No problem glad to of helped.

Bumpety bump, your salvation is on "Canada 2"!

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so tried the same method with connecting to canada 2 and no luck...

im spawning with nothing at all in my inventory and invisible in the rollign hills of nowhere...

any help? i updated about an hour ago to 1.7.1

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^ you certain it was "canada 2"? May mean they've updated and so the fix is ... not a fix...

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