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Noob looking for GOOD server

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Started Dayz a few days ago. Took a couple days to get the interface and basics of the game. Now I can get stuff to stay alive...except for 1 thing, I get teleport hacked after a couple hours on the servers I've been on.

Whats some some servers to play on that are monitored or some recourse when this happens?

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Thanks Lux. Looks through your forum, sounds like it may be a good home. I may join you in TS later tonight.

Rott, I'll check out the asylum too.



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If you want to join private servers then go take a look in the Private Hive Discussion forum. That's where all the hives advertise their servers.

Remember you should say which country or time zone you're in so you can meet players at the same time. :thumbsup:

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If you want to join private servers then go take a look in the Private Hive Discussion forum. That's where all the hives advertise their servers.

Remember you should say which country or time zone you're in so you can meet players at the same time. :thumbsup:

Sula - bambi's need to know what country or time zone they are in??

I do chuckle every time I see a post - "what's a good server" and well - they don't say anywhere in the post where they are.

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Check out the link in my sig for a good private server!

I tried this server and experienced 2 of the clans. They are both unorganized and whiny IMO (very immature). And 1 of the clans I tried are server admins :thumbs down

I'd stay away from this one if I were you.

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Hey mate, GamingAustralia have a great whitelisted private server. There are plenty of other guys looking to team up and currently several clans battling for supremacy. You will find our website here: www.gamingaustralia.net where you can apply for whitelisting or have a chat with others on our brand new forums.

We also have a Teamspeak channel: Server Address- gamingaustralia.net or the ip is

There are plenty of guys willing to help and usually only about 15-20 players so you will have plenty of room for yourself if you just want to go solo.

Server details in my sig. Hope to see you in there!

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You could try our server, UK based but we have plenty from all over the globe playing. We swap between whitelist and open with the option to roll back when needed. Like we did last night after some carpet bombed NWA lol. They may stop us for a bit but they don't ever win. :)

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Im Currently looking for a server thats noob friendly with people kinda enough to show you the ropes. UK (GMT) late night player tho

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I tried this server and experienced 2 of the clans. They are both unorganized and whiny IMO (very immature). And 1 of the clans I tried are server admins :thumbs down

I'd stay away from this one if I were you.

Well yes, people tend to get "whiny" when you are hacking on their private server and then ban you from said server. So sorry we couldn't allow you to continue to cheat.

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