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DayZ Piloting - Episode 1

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Want to be a pilot in DayZ?

Want to learn better how to fly?

Heres a great way to do it!

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Why not just create a mission in the editor and place all the vehicles for you to try. Or just go to Armex. Easier to get hands on experience then.

Also if you have flown for as long as me you have to at least try a barrel roll in a huey, its a laugh.

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I've back flipped an apache and gotten a giigle by tuning the engine off in the huey and lol'ed at the panic which is another must do thing

Edited by Skrewy

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Yeah... you can back flip any chopper if you have the proper altitude. I've also gotten a few screams playing other mods where things happened. On Ace/acre, one time I got winged with a full load of guys and went into auto rotation... had plenty of time.... and the people were all "WE"RE GONNA DIE! DON'T KILL US! SET IT DOWN! AHHH!!!!" They were so creaming on TS... But when I touched down on a beach with time to spare and they were all like.... wow man, nice landing.

Just hafta laugh.

But my main purpose on this video was to stir interest in flying and give some tips, not terrorize anyone. : P

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Pretty good flying there pilot, i like flying myself and being a safe pilot is the main priority, also piloting for your crew and not yourself. As making the gunners useful. I usally never play around when i have a squad in the heli. But its hella fun :D

Also i dont understand why you train using that heli when its so much easyer to pilot than a Huey wich is the most common dayZ heli you can find.

good show though.

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The one from DayZ doesn't show up in my editor list for some reason I haven't figured out yet. *shrug* So I chose one near to it for the video. There are several DayZ doesn't use that are about the same range of control that I prefer. My main point was to demo some basics. I had a guy ask about piloting recently which sparked the idea. Thought this would help him without hours of repairs and easy to recover it you mess up sort of way. lol

Edited by Seddrik

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I'm pretty sure the Huey is under Takistan's air units in the editor. It's not a USAF unit (in-game anyway)

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