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WTF ?!

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I have massive problems installing the 1.6 Patch for ARMA II: OA and

installing the Dayzmod !

After downloading the patch so many times it still wont let me patch the game ! Always there are files corrupt while updating the game and its stopping the update then. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ! Tested all mirros, all links etc i CANT DO ANYTHING !!

sorry for my bad english.. this going on my nervs

edit: arma 2 patch works fine, just have problems with operation arrowhead.. both games bouht yesterday from gamestop ( combined operation ) installation worked perfect no problems.. after installed the dazymod with silauncher, manual oder other variations IT WONT let me play the dayzmod.. so a freind told me u have to update to 1.6 ( i have 1.54 currently ) BUT IT WONT LET ME UPDATING ! btw my friend has the same problem..

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Seriously just calm down and give us more information on what problem you're having.

Do you have the steam version of ARMA II?

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Alright, what you mean with steam version ? If u mean bought from steam NO, i bought it from a shop ! The problem is when im updating it, it wont update to 100%, at any percent any problem will appear like this for example:

Update 1.59-1.60\EXPANSION\ADDONS\WEAPONS_E.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1

this ist just ONE from like million problems, there are more for like Update 1.57-1.58\EXPANSION\ADDONS\WEAPONS_E.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 OR Update 1.54-1.55\COMMON\MODULES.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1

got like 30 of these sentences... i dont know why, cuz instalation worked perfect

now i just ignored all problem popups and patched arma OA to 1.6, but when i try join a server it kickes me out and says something like you cant play this, then a file name i dont know ..

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I hope this helps you, download the torrent of the new update, here the link (http://mirror.tritnaha.com/DayZ-1.7.1.torrent).

after downloading the torrent go in the folder of your Arma 2 OA copy (if u have a steam copy go in C:\programms\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\) now open the torrent you downloaded, open the zip "DayZ-1.7.1.zip" and insert the folder "@DayZ" inside "arma 2 operation arrowhead".

After you done this, download the Six Updater Suite, here the link (http://dayzmod.com/su.php) install it, is quite intuitive to understand how to use it :) have fun!

Sorry for my horrible english XD

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I hope this helps you' date=' download the torrent of the new update, here the link (http://mirror.tritnaha.com/DayZ-1.7.1.torrent).

after downloading the torrent go in the folder of your Arma 2 OA copy (if u have a steam copy go in C:\programms\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\) now open the torrent you downloaded, open the zip "DayZ-1.7.1.zip" and insert the folder "@DayZ" inside "arma 2 operation arrowhead".

After you done this, download the Six Updater Suite, here the link (http://dayzmod.com/su.php) install it, is quite intuitive to understand how to use it :) have fun!

Sorry for my horrible english XD


first torrent link "404 error"

i tried myslf somehow i dont know if it was right but now the dayzmod and patch are installed, but i want to join a server it keep kicking me out and coming a message "dayz key is wrong istall new or update" something like this.. wtf ?

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ahhhhhhh why no one can help me wtf ?! i did, works fine no problems coming to menu etc

edit: installed newest versions of dayz ( 1.7 ) and arma co ( 1.6 ), after launching sixluancher it keeps kicking me off servers ?

edit2: already did this step: "When I join the server I get kicked back to the lobby without any error messages.

- Launch Operation Arrowhead from steam and select the option to re-install BattlEye Anti-Cheat client. If you are using retail download the latest version form http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in a folder named "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your Arma2:OA main directory."


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