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DayZ clan WaB [chernarus] [Recruiting] [All players are welcome]

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WaB ( We are bandits) is a clan that is pretty laid back we do not just go around the map killing players only players that have decent gear....

Joining WaB you will have acces to the camps/ some vehicles!

The age limit to join our community is 13+ im 14 years old.

We are plannin on getting a teamspeak and when the clan grows we will be planning on playing other maps like namalsk E.T.C

If you want to join the clan contact me on my steam or skype which is corpe4. For both steam and skype to join the community you will have to fill out a simple form.

In game name:

Date of birth:


What roll you play:

Example: Pilot, sniper etc:

Its that simple, Hope to see you around chernarus.

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IGN: wowbandy

Age 17

Yes i have a mic

im a multi purpose person mainly assualt tho.

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In game name:john55223

Date of birth: I was born on September 20, 1998

Mic? Yes, I have a decent microphone, with no background noise, and good quality voice things haha

What roll you play: I can fly, and i can land, 50% of the time. I am practicing to get better. Sniping, not too hard for me, when I have a mil dot sniper. I am also a great driver, I can do 115mph in an suv on wasteland, and no crashing, so it can't be that hard here. I have driven in dayz before, but it was my frirst week, and we had some barrel rolls.

Edited by gloopsgf

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