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1 lucky night

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me and a mate were walking through a forrest just outside cherno tonight as we were heading towards balota airstrip,before we got to the airstip we heard a car aproch us from the east so we ducked into cover behind the fuel station between cherno and the airstrip a ccar pulled up and 1 surviver jumped out looked around for something then jumped back in the car and took off again.so we continued on our way to the airstrip but we decided not to go into airsip but chill behind it.as we arrived i noticed a drivable car parked out front of the hangers so i puled out me nockies and checkd a bit closer only to find there was a dude drivinig the car waiting for his maten BTW it was really dark at the time,so my companion waited in the bush as i went up and checked it out a bit more,wen i arrived my companion said the second guy was coming my way so i shat me seelf a litte and layed in the grass as he walked ono passed me i just watched him till he headed back to the car were his mate was waiting so i ducked around the corner and hid behind the wall infront of the car as i aimed my FAL-FN/PVS at the driver as his mate hopped in the car i opened fire shooting the driving in the head twice,the passenger suffered the same fate,then i called my mate over and we stole there car and drove of into the night

PS.we came aross 4 or 5 heli crash sites on our trip in brumby(car name) and sadley we crashed Brumby into a lake due to bad driving haha

please tell me about your lucky experieces what evr they may be

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I was cruising around seaching industrial areas for parts to fix up a chopper with one of my squad mates, and he decides to go afk in the back of the car...someone popped out of the bushes while we were driving down a dirt road and shot at us disabling our vehicle. luckly we were near a town and he go massive zombie agro, being scared out of my mind at this point i jump out of the vehicle and open fire on him breaking his leg and his tail of friends start munching on him and eat him. i managed to get a nice m4 with cco, coyote backpack, gps, range finder, and some industrial parts we were looking for :D.

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Ahhh the lucky nights. Best night i've had yet was encountering 3 crashed helicopters within a few km's from each other with a friend.

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