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immortal revolt

Pistol HUD icon?

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I have been off dayZ for a while due to the hacker problem, playing alot of arma 2 instead but now Im back and it seems things have improved alot.

I have a question about the pistol icon, what does it represent, gun cleaning or degrading? I search and could not find any information on it. thanks

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its the new combat timer :) if you dont know what combat timer is, its a thing that if you shoot or someone shoots near you, it starts flashing and ALT+F4 will be disabled so you cant quit the game aswell as abort.

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I'll save you the huge effort of using the forum search tool...

don't log out when its flashing

it means your in combat

any other questions? like how to turn on your flashlight?


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Thanks for the lightspeed replay time :) Thats GREAT thanks :) no more alt-F4uckers :)

I know hof to turn on the flashlight, I did use search and found 0 threads

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