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ididi9 (DayZ)

Travelling between maps.

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People get bored just playing Cheranus, Hence all the new maps being released for dayz. On DayZ SA is there just going be one map? If not will your loot only be on one map? I had an idea that obviously maps can't be too big but if you had maps that you could travel between and therefore moving your loot over then maybe that could work.

Basically, On maps there could be for example a bridge on a side of the map that would lead you to another map, obviously there couldn't just be one way as it would be just a blood bath.

I don't know, this is probably a terrible example for this idea but I just like the idea of travelling between zones in a zombie apocalypse world.

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I would support one HUGE map with 3-4 chernarus sized islands and a bunch of smaller ones. For 400+ player servers of course

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I'd like to see more maps available, but I don't like the idea of having one character you can use with all maps.

I'm all for locking your character to one server, so that would defeat the point. :P

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