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Hey there survivor, looking for group to play Day Z with, or a couple people doesn't matter. Love playing the game but I'm looking for strategic people who know what they're doing.

Comment if interested

(also voice communication is ideal mumble,vent, etc.)


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If you're interested in play together join me on team speak

Server: ts52.light-speed.com:9675

I'll be in the section Arma II DAYZ

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Hey Jp. Check out this post from our leader, and see if it speaks to you.


Come check out our server, and meet some members, and if you like what you see, you can inquire about joining. Rest assured, we're not disbanding, either. Also, check out our website. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Our website


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Hello and a very warm welcome from the DayZ community and the Survival Union community.Welcome to the post apocalyptic world of DayZ.The S.U. community would like to have you among "her" ranks.We house a private-hacker free-DayZ server.Medical/community team for help and assistance are included.Teamwork and security and lots of pasta!(We have no cookies,this is no WoW!) :P

So,apply to our site now and get in touch with us.It's pretty easy and fast.

(We have TeamSpeak too!)

Meet with friendly players,work together as a unity.Survive the zombies.Come back tomorrow and resume the fun.We want YOU to be our next new blood! ;D

Visit our homepage now!Make an introduction thread in our forums,we're looking forward to knowing you and any friends that you bring along.

http://www.survivalunion.com/ <-- Our site

http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ <-- Our server's status

Happy trails.


Senior advertisment manager

- Survival Union -

Junior Community Admin

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