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[New] International Clan Recruiting 13+

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Arma Name: Cylindrite

Steam Name: Cylindrite

Skype Name: Cylindrite

Age: 13

Timezone: GMT+/-0:00 (Europe/London)

Position: Scout

Skills: Looting Cities, Knows Good Loot Spots, Great Rusher, Team Player

Availability: Always on Weekends, and Weekdays from 4pm

Edited by NooberNoober

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Arma Name: zOmnicyde

Steam Name: zOmnicyde

Skype Name: zOmnicyde

Age: 13

Timezone: Mountain Standard Time

Position: The outskirts of Chernogorsk

Skills: Accuracy, Tricking People Into Trusting Me, Hiding, and Running Rampantly Throuout a City to Draw Attention Away From Others

Availability: Almost always on weekends, sometimes during weekdays

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Arma Name: Syberiangamer

Steam Name: syberiangamer

Skype Name: lordtrevdog

Age: 15

Timezone: pst

Position: Sniper

Skills: Good at long range shots

Availability: almost everyday and most of the night ill be on

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Arma Name: Calz

Steam Name: calummmmm

Skype Name: callum.lev

Age: 14

Timezone: GMT

Position: Idk...

Skills: Accuracy

Availability: Whenever ;)

Edited by Calz

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Arma Name: Lane Reeves (trying to change to lamabama)

Steam Name: lamabamalane

Skype Name: lamabamalane

Age: 14

Timezone: US/eastern time

Position: support,pilot, soldier/rifleman, and sniper

Skills: I have great strategy

Availability: 10pm -3 am weekends, and on weekdays 4-11pm (give or take a few hours)

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Arma Name: Olllie

Steam name: JollyOllieUK

Skype Name: Ollie Udell

Age: 14

Timezone: GMT-0

Position: Pilot, Medic, Support roles etc.

Skills: Very good pilot + experienced day z player

Availability: Weekdays - 4pm - 11pm

Weekends - Vary

Right now it's still christmas holidays, so i'll be on alot!

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  On 12/29/2012 at 11:22 AM, NooberNoober said:

Arma Name: Cylindrite

Steam Name: Cylindrite

Skype Name: Cylindrite

Age: 13

Timezone: GMT+/-0:00 (Europe/London)

Position: Scout

Skills: Looting Cities, Knows Good Loot Spots, Great Rusher, Team Player

Availability: Always on Weekends, and Weekdays from 4pm

  On 12/29/2012 at 8:59 PM, zOmnicyde said:

Arma Name: zOmnicyde

Steam Name: zOmnicyde

Skype Name: zOmnicyde

Age: 13

Timezone: Mountain Standard Time

Position: The outskirts of Chernogorsk

Skills: Accuracy, Tricking People Into Trusting Me, Hiding, and Running Rampantly Throuout a City to Draw Attention Away From Others

Availability: Almost always on weekends, sometimes during weekdays

  On 12/29/2012 at 9:34 PM, syberiangamer said:

Arma Name: Syberiangamer

Steam Name: syberiangamer

Skype Name: lordtrevdog

Age: 15

Timezone: pst

Position: Sniper

Skills: Good at long range shots

Availability: almost everyday and most of the night ill be on

  On 12/29/2012 at 10:50 PM, Calz said:

Arma Name: Calz

Steam Name: calummmmm

Skype Name: callum.lev

Age: 14

Timezone: GMT

Position: Idk...

Skills: Accuracy

Availability: Whenever ;)

  On 12/29/2012 at 11:40 PM, lamabama said:

Arma Name: Lane Reeves (trying to change to lamabama)

Steam Name: lamabamalane

Skype Name: lamabamalane

Age: 14

Timezone: US/eastern time

Position: support,pilot, soldier/rifleman, and sniper

Skills: I have great strategy

Availability: 10pm -3 am weekends, and on weekdays 4-11pm (give or take a few hours)

  On 12/30/2012 at 2:21 PM, JollyOllieUK said:

Arma Name: Olllie

Steam name: JollyOllieUK

Skype Name: Ollie Udell

Age: 14

Timezone: GMT-0

Position: Pilot, Medic, Support roles etc.

Skills: Very good pilot + experienced day z player

Availability: Weekdays - 4pm - 11pm

Weekends - Vary

Right now it's still christmas holidays, so i'll be on alot!


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Arma Name: Mail Lite

Steam Name: mail_lite

Skype Name: friah_tuck

Age: OLD (26)

Timezone: GMT+/-0

Position: Tactician, Scout, Team Leader

Skills: Team Player, Good shot, Good driving skills, Always helpful

Availability: Always on Weekends, and Weekdays from 4pm

Edited by MailLite

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  On 12/30/2012 at 8:31 PM, MailLite said:

Arma Name: Mail Lite

Steam Name: mail_lite

Skype Name: friah_tuck

Age: OLD (26)

Timezone: GMT+/-0

Position: Tactician, Scout, Team Leader

Skills: Team Player, Good shot, Good driving skills, Always helpful

Availability: Always on Weekends, and Weekdays from 4pm


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Arma Name: BritishBadass

Steam Name: BritishBadass™

Skype Name: reconryan.

Age: 15

Timezone: GMT / UK

Position: Tactician, Recon, Scavenger, Soldier

Skills: I work well in a squad, great in firefights and tough situatiions.

Availability: Always on Weekends, and Weekdays from 4pm

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  On 1/1/2013 at 10:46 AM, BritishBadass said:

Arma Name: BritishBadass

Steam Name: BritishBadass™

Skype Name: reconryan.

Age: 15

Timezone: GMT / UK

Position: Tactician, Recon, Scavenger, Soldier

Skills: I work well in a squad, great in firefights and tough situatiions.

Availability: Always on Weekends, and Weekdays from 4pm


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Is this for dayz commander because for some reason I dont get the option to run as combined ops even tho I bought combineed ops. If this is for dayz commander or if you can help me I would be glad to apply for your clan :)

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Arma Name: raven_000

Steam Name: ravensplayer7

Skype Name: ravensplayer74

Age: 14

Timezone: MST

Position: Scout

Skills: Sneaking around and rifle use

\Availability: On from 3:30 - 8:00 MST

Edited by ravensplayer74

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Arma Name: I dont under stand whats this?

Steam Name: Elite_W0lf

Skype Name: mitchell.lin11


Timezone: I don't know :( im so stupid :( but all i can say i know is im on GMT i live in Australia Sydney

Position: Sniping

Skills: Sniping pro :D search and destroy pro

Availability: weekends mostly

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Arma Name: I dont under stand whats this?

Steam Name: Elite_W0lf

Skype Name: mitchell.lin11


Timezone: I don't know :( im so stupid :( but all i can say i know is im on GMT i live in Australia Sydney

Position: Sniping

Skills: Sniping pro :D search and destroy pro

Availability: weekends mostly

Can someone please help me with the Arma Name and Time zone i really need help what it is

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Arma Name: SEAN

Steam Name: aedrip1

Skype Name: bunnyluvin5

Age: 15

Timezone: CST

Position: sniper,soldier

Skills: sniping,driving, tactical planning

Availability: after school and on weekends

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  On 1/2/2013 at 1:26 AM, DayZ_FTW said:

Is this for dayz commander because for some reason I dont get the option to run as combined ops even tho I bought combineed ops. If this is for dayz commander or if you can help me I would be glad to apply for your clan :)

dayz commander runs them both you dont need to launch as CO

just launch dayz commander


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  On 1/2/2013 at 4:27 AM, ravensplayer74 said:

Arma Name: raven_000

Steam Name: ravensplayer7

Skype Name: ravensplayer74

Age: 14

Timezone: MST

Position: Scout

Skills: Sneaking around and rifle use

\Availability: On from 3:30 - 8:00 MST

  On 1/2/2013 at 2:53 PM, Elite_W0lf said:

Arma Name: I dont under stand whats this?

Steam Name: Elite_W0lf

Skype Name: mitchell.lin11


Timezone: I don't know :( im so stupid :( but all i can say i know is im on GMT i live in Australia Sydney

Position: Sniping

Skills: Sniping pro :D search and destroy pro

Availability: weekends mostly

  On 1/2/2013 at 8:19 PM, aedrip said:

Arma Name: SEAN

Steam Name: aedrip1

Skype Name: bunnyluvin5

Age: 15

Timezone: CST

Position: sniper,soldier

Skills: sniping,driving, tactical planning

Availability: after school and on weekends


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  On 1/2/2013 at 2:53 PM, Elite_W0lf said:

Arma Name: I dont under stand whats this?

Steam Name: Elite_W0lf

Skype Name: mitchell.lin11


Timezone: I don't know :( im so stupid :( but all i can say i know is im on GMT i live in Australia Sydney

Position: Sniping

Skills: Sniping pro :D search and destroy pro

Availability: weekends mostly

Can someone please help me with the Arma Name and Time zone i really need help what it is

Why post two times?, you can't be in two places at the same time, wait, can you? Edited by Sinnon

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Arma Name: Jellis

Steam Name: Jellis

Skype Name: jordan.ellis98

Age: 14

Timezone: GMT 0

Position: Soldier/ rifleman ... but i don't mind playing as any :P

Skills: Driving ( not piloting) , Navigation , general teamplayer.

Availability: Pretty much all day (GMT 0) all weekend and from 4 till 10 most weekdays.

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Arma Name: Bonii

Steam Name: Bonifatus

Skype Name: Bonii Dayz / BoniiDayz



Position: Sniper / Driver.

Skills: Sniping, covering and general surviving skills in a firefight.

Availability: GMT 3 to 9 on Weekdays, Weekends normally 6-12 hours from whenever I decide to wake up.

Played DayZ a month after it released.

Edited by Bonii

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