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[New] International Clan Recruiting 13+

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Arma Name: Sietse

Steam Name: chimpansiets

Skype Name: chimpansiets

Age: 15

Timezone: Amsterdam, dunno what time zone.

Position: Sniper

Skills: Fuckin' eagle vision

Availability: Always, except when i'm asleep or at school.


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Arma name:thegameproximity

Steam Name:Nop487

Skype Name:Jack.mid

Age:13 (turning 14 in 1 month)


Position:Cherno Church

Skills: Rifleman,Scavanger,Sniper,Evading zombies,searching towns without getting spotted,finding ATV's And Bikes

Availability: on weekends about 12:00PM to 11:00PM on weekdays 3:30PM to 10:00PM

Edited by nop487

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Arma name:thegameproximity

Steam Name:Nop487

Skype Name:Jack.mid

Age:13 (turning 14 in 1 month)


Position:Cherno Church

Skills: Rifleman,Scavanger,Sniper,Evading zombies,searching towns without getting spotted,finding ATV's And Bikes

Availability: on weekends about 12:00PM to 11:00PM on weekdays 3:30PM to 10:00PM


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Arma name: OhNo

Steam: corpe4

Skype: corpe4

Gmt -5

Position: sniper, pilot, im good with basically any gun im a pretty good pilot when it comes to landing!

Extra stuff to add: im 14 years old so i can play on weekends and week days after school i've been playing dayz for probally 3 months so im pretty experienced

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Arma name: OhNo

Steam: corpe4

Skype: corpe4

Gmt -5

Position: sniper, pilot, im good with basically any gun im a pretty good pilot when it comes to landing!

Extra stuff to add: im 14 years old so i can play on weekends and week days after school i've been playing dayz for probally 3 months so im pretty experienced


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Ok, we have more members now, we should organize squads.

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I played last night, we were 6 players including me scavenging "west" at the same time, we need to get this organized, so we can send squads to different missions in the map, like scavenging, recon, defend, capture (kidnapping/abduction), etc. If we do this, I think that it would be convenient to create clan ranks, to organize the squads.

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I'l try to explain my idea the best I can, first these are the ranks:

Private: Lowest rank, a trainee who’s starting in the clan primary role is to carry out orders issued to them to the best of his/her ability.

Private First Class: Pretty much the same as a private, but its recognized by having a good shoot technique and aim, or by having a superior gun.

(Yes, the Private First Class, can be removed when you lose your "good gun" and don't have a good aiming, can be gained if you get another one, more than a rank is an status for the privates.)

Corporal: Serves as a default team leader if no other higher ranks are available they are responsible for the Privates.

Sergeant: Typically commands a squad (3-5). Considered to have the greatest impact on Soldiers because they oversee them in their tasks. In short, Sergeants set an example and the standard for Privates to look up to, and live up to.

Sergeant First Class: Key assistant and advisor to the platoon leader. Generally has some experience and puts it to use by making quick, accurate decisions in the best interests of the squads.

(The Sargeant First Class is a status, just like the First Class Private.)

Warrant Officer: Warran Officers are technically and tactically focused officers who perform the primary duties of technical leader, trainer, operator, manager, maintainer, sustainer, and advisor.

Captain: Its an advisor to the squads, and member of the second generation squad, they use to be more experienced players.

(The second generation squad its a more specialized squad the integrants must be Sergeant+ but can be in normal squads too, most of the time they are going to be send to the North West Airfield, Stary Sobor and other good loot spawning points of the map, they are sent to kill other players, recover vehicles or even steal them.)

Colonel: Second member of the second squad, second in command, usually has alot of experience in the game, knows alot of the map, and knows some good strategys.

General: Admins of the game and extremely good players.

This list is a way to categorize members, the won't limit them in the game, If it gets approved, we will use it to make a better strategy, since its not good to bulk all together and go raid the same place at the same time, the squads are not limited by rank we will use what we can use for example, there can be a squad with one General, 2 Privates and one Warrant Officer.

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I messed up on my skype name it is codyteen11

my name on it is codyteen

and I am having problems with the ts server for now sry

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Arma Name: RabidP

Steam Name: RabidPenguin

Skype Name: rabid_pengu1n

Age: 18

Timezone: US CST

Position: Tactician, Soldier

Skills: Driver, Novice Pilot ( Haven't had a chance to pilot for a month), Excellent survivability

Availability: Always unless otherwise stated

Extra info: Only 1 death by non-hacks or Z's since I began playing :P, also very bad luck with weapons looting, ex: never found a sniper rifle

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Arma Name: censored

Steam Name: censored

Skype Name: censored

Age: 17

Timezone: GMT+1

Position: Pilot/Sniper

Skills: Been playing FPS for quite some time, both with and without bulletdrop, fairly decent shooter and spotter.

Availability: Erryday from around 2:30 PM, and majority of the weekends.

Edited by v3nly
censoring old info

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Arma Name: RabidP

Steam Name: RabidPenguin

Skype Name: rabid_pengu1n

Age: 18

Timezone: US CST

Position: Tactician, Soldier

Skills: Driver, Novice Pilot ( Haven't had a chance to pilot for a month), Excellent survivability

Availability: Always unless otherwise stated

Extra info: Only 1 death by non-hacks or Z's since I began playing :P, also very bad luck with weapons looting, ex: never found a sniper rifle

Accepted, add giovanni.vita17 and Nathanrulez213 in skype

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Arma Name: Ventag

Steam Name: Ventag

Skype Name: Corehaxer

Age: 17

Timezone: GMT+1

Position: Pilot/Sniper

Skills: Been playing FPS for quite some time, both with and without bulletdrop, fairly decent shooter and spotter.

Availability: Erryday from around 2:30 PM, and majority of the weekends.

Accepted, add giovanni.vita17 and Nathanrulez213 in skype

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I'l try to explain my idea the best I can, first these are the ranks:

Private: Lowest rank, a trainee who’s starting in the clan primary role is to carry out orders issued to them to the best of his/her ability.

Private First Class: Pretty much the same as a private, but its recognized by having a good shoot technique and aim, or by having a superior gun.

(Yes, the Private First Class, can be removed when you lose your "good gun" and don't have a good aiming, can be gained if you get another one, more than a rank is an status for the privates.)

Corporal: Serves as a default team leader if no other higher ranks are available they are responsible for the Privates.

Sergeant: Typically commands a squad (3-5). Considered to have the greatest impact on Soldiers because they oversee them in their tasks. In short, Sergeants set an example and the standard for Privates to look up to, and live up to.

Sergeant First Class: Key assistant and advisor to the platoon leader. Generally has some experience and puts it to use by making quick, accurate decisions in the best interests of the squads.

(The Sargeant First Class is a status, just like the First Class Private.)

Warrant Officer: Warran Officers are technically and tactically focused officers who perform the primary duties of technical leader, trainer, operator, manager, maintainer, sustainer, and advisor.

Captain: Its an advisor to the squads, and member of the second generation squad, they use to be more experienced players.

(The second generation squad its a more specialized squad the integrants must be Sergeant+ but can be in normal squads too, most of the time they are going to be send to the North West Airfield, Stary Sobor and other good loot spawning points of the map, they are sent to kill other players, recover vehicles or even steal them.)

Colonel: Second member of the second squad, second in command, usually has alot of experience in the game, knows alot of the map, and knows some good strategys.

General: Admins of the game and extremely good players.

This list is a way to categorize members, the won't limit them in the game, If it gets approved, we will use it to make a better strategy, since its not good to bulk all together and go raid the same place at the same time, the squads are not limited by rank we will use what we can use for example, there can be a squad with one General, 2 Privates and one Warrant Officer.

I like this idea we will discuss it later on skype okay?

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Arma name: Tigs15

steam name: thetigs15

skype name: tigs15

Age: 14

Timezone: Eastern standard time US

Position: Rifleman, support, (once i practice with helis a few more pilot) Scout.

Skills: Stealth

Availabilty: Weekdays- 5- Whenever Weekends- All the time

If your looking for a good server try zust it has lots of vehicle spawns it makes for insteresting gameplay.

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Arma name: Tigs15

steam name: thetigs15

skype name: tigs15

Age: 14

Timezone: Eastern standard time US

Position: Rifleman, support, (once i practice with helis a few more pilot) Scout.

Skills: Stealth

Availabilty: Weekdays- 5- Whenever Weekends- All the time

If your looking for a good server try zust it has lots of vehicle spawns it makes for insteresting gameplay.

Accepted, add giovanni.vita17 and Nathanrulez213 in skype

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Arma Name: Haz

Steam Name: Hazthekid

Skype Name: Hathekid

Age: 15

Timezone: GMT

Position: Solder/Rifleman

Skills: Good aim, and have been playing day for a while I got it 3 weeks after it came out so I know my stuff.

Availability: Same times as you but, I will be on Skype at all times

Edited by ((Harry))

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Arma Name: Haz

Steam Name: Hazthekid

Skype Name: Hathekid

Age: 15

Timezone: GMT

Position: Solder/Rifleman

Skills: Good aim, and have been playing day for a while I got it 3 weeks after it came out so I know my stuff.

Availability: Same times as you but, I will be on Skype at all times

Accepted, add giovanni.vita17 and Nathanrulez213 in skype

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Tig15, thanks for the Intel, we will discuss about it when you join our skype call.

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Bumpy Bump Bumber ¡BUMP!

Edited by Sinnon

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