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[Eclipse] Clan Recruitment

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I am starting a squad for DayZ, for players like me that used to play as lone wolves, but always get killed by big groups, or if you only get bored by playing alone and want to hang out with other players without getting betrayed, we'll protect other players that deserve to be protected, and kill those who don't.


- Know basic controlls of the game

- Know how to shoot properly (In case of bandit raids)

- Be a regular player

- Don't insult other players


In Game Name:


Time zone:

Level of game knowledge (1-10):

Tell us one of your DayZ experiences:

Things you need to know

After being accepted in the clan you nede to change your profile name, adding the clan tag [ECL] before your name, that is going to help us identifying our members, all non-members of the clan with that tag will not be added in our camp, nor invited to our events, the server we play on is accesible for all DayZ players, so give us a visit. (Highly recommended to use DayZ Commander)


Edited by Sinnon

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If you are accepted in the clan, I will send you the ip where we usually play, and other instruction.

Edited by Sinnon

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Name: Dr Otacon

age: 17

Time Zone: USA East Coast GMT 5

Knowledge of game: 9

Experiences: saved a person from a group of 3 bandits with a dmr when I spotted them in a town

About me: used to play with my 2 other friends, but they quit dayz. I don't like playing alone because i feel like playing with a group of people makes the game 10x more fun.

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Name: Dr Otacon

age: 17

Time Zone: USA East Coast GMT 5

Knowledge of game: 9

Experiences: saved a person from a group of 3 bandits with a dmr when I spotted them in a town

About me: used to play with my 2 other friends, but they quit dayz. I don't like playing alone because i feel like playing with a group of people makes the game 10x more fun.

Approved, I'll send you the info.

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In game name: Pyranos_Grigsby

Age: 26

TZ: US Central GMT-6

Knowledge of Game: 6 - 7

Experiences: Normally spend a lot of time just roaming the wilderness and sometimes making a break for some of the major city centers. I know my way around Cherno and Berezino, thought I tend to steer clear of Elecktro just because it is hotly contested. Made a few attempts and joining up with some random people or taking people out.

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In game name: Pyranos_Grigsby

Age: 26

TZ: US Central GMT-6

Knowledge of Game: 6 - 7

Experiences: Normally spend a lot of time just roaming the wilderness and sometimes making a break for some of the major city centers. I know my way around Cherno and Berezino, thought I tend to steer clear of Elecktro just because it is hotly contested. Made a few attempts and joining up with some random people or taking people out.

Accepted, I am sending you the info.

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In Game Name: Brand


Time zone: pacific

Level of game knowledge (1-10): 9

Tell us one of your DayZ experiences: I saved 4 people in the northwest airfield when 3 other people arrived and started shooting them and they had broken legs so i saved them..

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