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Character Reseting

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Hi, I've been having a problem where when I log into my account all my gear gets reset to default gear (the gear you get when you respawn) I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix it. Thanks :D

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We will need a little more info to help you better. Are you playing on the public hive or on private servers? If you are playing on private servers your toon doesn't carry over most of the time so you have to make sure to play on the same server or you will start a new toon for each server. If you are using DayZ Commander just go to your recent tab and choose one of those servers and see if it still happens. Just make sure you have actually played on that server and didn't just connect and then disconnect when you got the select gender page.

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I only play on the public hive, I use dayz commander, and this all started when a hacker spawned everyone a loadout so we lost our weapons and we got whatever he chose.

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