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Looking for some buds to play with.

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I'm just searching for some people to play with, i've already started on a server and are getting chased by like 7 people after killing some of their teammates in combat. Just add me on everything you want whenever or if you want to play with me.

Steam: Brianbby

Skype: Brianw321

I also have teamspeak, so if u want u can link me up to a server and talk to me, im also Norwegian and im 17 years old.

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Hello and a very warm welcome from the DayZ community and the Survival Union community.Welcome to the post apocalyptic world of DayZ.The S.U. community would like to have you among "her" ranks.We house a private-hacker free-DayZ server.Medical/community team for help and assistance are included.Teamwork and security and lots of pasta!(We have no cookies,this is no WoW!) :P

So,apply to our site now and get in touch with us.It's pretty easy and fast.

(We have TeamSpeak too!)

Meet with friendly players,work together as a unity.Survive the zombies.Come back tomorrow and resume the fun.We want YOU to be our next new blood! ;D

Visit our homepage now!Make an introduction thread in our forums,we're looking forward to knowing you and any friends that you bring along.

http://www.survivalunion.com/ <-- Our site

http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ <-- Our server's status

Happy trails.


Senior advertisment manager

- Survival Union -

Junior Community Admin

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