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Items missing after update

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Date/Time: 8th may 1:17 GMT

What happened: Logged onto server and items are missing. All items from backpack are missing, medical items and importantly my food and canteen are also gone.

In total what is missing:

5 painkillers

1 bloodbag


2-3 items of food

2x auto morphine(i think that's the right ones)

Where you were: At a barn somewhere south of topolka dam, place has high chainlink fence around it.

What you were doing: Gearing up and logging off for the night

*Current installed version: Latest 1.5.5

*Server(s) you were on: EU 1

*Timeline of events before/after error: Can't remember the specific day but I had everything before I logged off (I always make sure I've got food + water for the next time since I will need it), patch up login realise my bag is empty and my food + canteen is missing, slowly losing blood.

All I'm really looking for is food + water returned if possible since getting someone to help me is unlikely. Got a lot of bloodbags on me so don't really want to lose them, if possible painkillers also restored...if possible.

EDIT: No longer any need, decided to try my luck at finding food/water (to no avail).

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