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[UKS] are looking for more uk and eu players

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hi we are looking for more member to join our group from the uk and eu we have our own servers and are currently on the new taviana map we use teamspeak so thats a must we are looking for players 16+ if intreasted just fill out the few questions i have put below thanks

do you have teamspeak?

are you 16 and over?

have you been in a group/clan before? if so who

will you help the group when needed

how long have you played dayz for?

what position do you like playing?

is there and special skills you can bring to the group? like ex army etc

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do you have teamspeak? Yes

are you 16 and over? yes 16

have you been in a group/clan before? if so who: yes the speedo police

will you help the group when needed: always

how long have you played dayz for? 5 months

what position do you like playing? sniper,gunner,medic,driver

is there and special skills you can bring to the group? like ex army etc: i can read maps etc... and i have a good shot

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do you have teamspeak? Yes

are you 16 and over? Yup im 16

have you been in a group/clan before? Yes i was in a clan with 4 ex marines and one other guy we played a very tactical style and recently split up

will you help the group when needed, yes whenever the group needs help

how long have you played dayz for? Since launch

what position do you like playing? I can play most roles i used to lead my old group but i guess thats not gonna happen, i am also able to pilot helicopters due to playing ARMA and can use any weapon

is there and special skills you can bring to the group? like ex army etc. Can play very tactically due to experience playing with the ex marines and having a lot of experience in game i know how to play tactically when needed.

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