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Dayz 1.7.1 Bug listing

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Looking to start a simplified bug list for the devs.

Feel free to add guys!

Date: 17-6-2012

Location: random / covers whole playable area

Server: Multiple

Bugs Encounterd:

- Blood Resetting: Random chance when logging or switching servers etc that your blood will be reset to its last known damaged variable even though you have Ate or had a Blood Transfusion in last 5-10minutes of play.

- Zombie Spawns : They spawn almost on-top and within 30m of player and when killing the buggers they virtualy instant respawn ontop of you angry as hell.

- Zombie Spawns #2: Noticing an increased amount of zed's spawning inside buildings and remaining stationary inside them not sure if bug or intended.


Okay thats the major 3 i have noticed so far.

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