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Sick of spending hours to be killed by hackers? Tired of crappy admins? Forget all that and join our server!

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Hey, been playing DayZ for a couple weeks now, and talking some of my friends into starting. Looking for a good vanilla-y private hive server that won't get hacked to 1) help my buddies get started without jeopardizing my main hive gear and 2) possibly call our new home (ditching my public hive).

This a good server for that? If so... could you PM me info/pw? Cheers.

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This is a good solid server.

And yes we would love to have you join.

PM sent.

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Just wanted to let you guys know that ya'll are doing a damn good job with this server. And if anyone else is looking at joining, check it out, you wont be disappointed...

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hey i`m a new player looking to get on as many serbers as i can at the moment so i can find a consistent one

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  On 12/7/2012 at 11:28 AM, 2gunz said:

UPDATE server is now whitelist only!

Admins on this server DO NOT have full control panel access.

Therefore they may not find your loot, find you, teleport, spawn items etc.

They are as blind as the players.

The ONLY person with full access is me. And I have ZERO desire to cheat you.

I want more people in the server not less.

Player count is way up.

Generally we now have 12-30 ish players online.

I would like to thank the people that have request access and have joined.

We are still looking for more players. If your interested please PM me.



After running our server for a while we have decided to Whitelist.

We are are looking for more people to join the server and our community.

Clans and bandits are welcome. Server is a bit to "friendly" for my taste, looking to change that.

We intend to become a SA server when it comes out or get another server at that time.

So once SA comes out you wont be starting all over again. You will already have a home.


USA server host located in Utah (dayz.st) Expect sub 70 pings in the US and other parts of the world also ping well. ex. NZ gets a 130ish

Private hive

Gotcha anti-hax

Password protected (soon this weekend)

200+ Vehicles (it wont take you days to find a trashed car)


Care packages

Server rollbacks should a cheater find his way in.

Active Admins (looking for a few more active and MATURE admins)

Admins have a strict NON interference roll.

50 player server

Updates done as soon as they are available.

Tags are OFF

3rd person is on

Side chat is ON. However limited voice in side chat and NO voice or text chat that gives away the location of another player.

NO lag

Little server downtime

24/7 Daylight

Server reboots every 6 hours.

Currently we have about 40 regulars.

Hoping to build a community with 20+ players off peak time and and have a full server on peak.

The server name and IP is intentionally not in this post. I only want players that want to stick around. Not randoms looking to cause trouble.

If your interested please send me a PM. And make sure you include your INGAME name in your message!



Which map are you running? I prefer the latest version of Namalsk, bloodsuckers and all.

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Best server I've played on ever.

The admins care, there hasn't been a hacker in the month and a half I've been on there.

There's bandits, heros, and players who group together and wage small battles against eachother.

Get whitelisted, and get playing.

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I am a lone wolf player that would love to play on your server. I have been playing for about 2 months and am sick of getting tossed around the map by hackers. My ingame name is Schokkwave.

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I would like to join your server too. I tried out several private servers and i haven´t found the right one so far. my ingame name is Michael.

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Played this server for the first time this weekend. My first whitelist server and the first time I haven't had a hacker all weekend.

Only died due to my own stupidity :P

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Cool man! Sounds like ya had some fun!

Looking for more fresh zombie food!

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Playing on this server is nice. Need more population to it though. Giving this thread a bump since I like the server!

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