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Sick of spending hours to be killed by hackers? Tired of crappy admins? Forget all that and join our server!

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Good time to hope on board.

38 people online right now.

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Liking this server a lot, although I've only ever found a clapped out GAZ just after I spawned which needed crushing rather than trying to fix the thing, I've found more weapons and gear than in any other server I've been in and I think your need for food and drink may be less, although I may just have become super fit in the server from all the running.

Admins are friendly and helpful and there seems to be a lot of in game chat but what ever you do don't accidentally or even worse intentionally talk on side as you will be bombarded with insults and your families lives will be threatened.

Never seen a hacker or a script kiddy here so good stuff.

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Thanks for the complement.

We really try our best.

Sorry about the side chat thing.... the players are over zealous about that.

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Hello 2guns, I just found out about dayZ modd game today, currently downloading the game. May I join the server ?

Edited by VgForce

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Actively added people to our growing whitelist only server.

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