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I need other people to play with

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I've been playing dayz for a few days now but I've already realised how boring and lonely it is by myself.

I need other people to play with!

I don't care how many people I'm with, just anything is better than by myself.

If you're wondering I do know what I'm doing in this game so I'm not a noob.

I would prefer to play with people in AUS/NZ because the time would be easier, but it probably doesn't matter.

I don't like to sound desperate but could sumbudy plz plz plz plzp lpzpl p anybody!!!!


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I've been playing dayz for a few days now but I've already realised how boring and lonely it is by myself.

I need other people to play with!

I don't care how many people I'm with, just anything is better than by myself.

If you're wondering I do know what I'm doing in this game so I'm not a noob.

I would prefer to play with people in AUS/NZ because the time would be easier, but it probably doesn't matter.

I don't like to sound desperate but could sumbudy plz plz plz plzp lpzpl p anybody!!!!


1: Find another survivor

2:Shoot in the air so he know you're there

3: Stand still and aim down your sights at him so you can learn his face

4: Survivor will recognize this as the universal greeting between friendly players


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I kill many people who do that!

EDIT: You're a cunt!

Edited by Hackoly

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Learn to love the lone wolf playstyle, embrace it! Even though I'm a member of a large group, I end up doing my own thing anyways, with an occasional guest here or there.

Besides, who needs companions when you have your trusty can of beans? They'll never leave you! (until you have to eat them that is)

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No you don't understand I hate it AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I contemplate jumping off a building!

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Hey mate i have a great whitelisted private server in Australia. Will be great for someone like you. You will have to apply at their FB page:


Plenty of helpful players and usually only 10-20 ppl so you will have plenty or room for yourself.

Hope to see you there!

Edited by Viibez

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